Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Ok ok, so I'm bad at updating this regularly. We've been busy.

To catch you all up:
  1. We bought a house

The house

It's wonderful! The roof went on a week late which caused some freaking out, but it all worked out in the end.

The new roof

  1. We painted the house (by "we" I mean Andrew, me, Nicole, Robert, Addy, Peter, Laura, Papa, Paige, Jennifer, LeeAnn & Ryan) I'll go over it more next post.
The living room got a two-tone stripe.
It's beautiful and it makes me happy :)
The living room
The office we painted purple
The office
The master bedroom we painted blue.
Master bedroom

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

We have a signed contract!

Ta-da! Woohoo!

We picked out a roof this morning (drag!). We had to get up at like 6. Ick.

The shingles we picked out

Packing sucks. But we're so happy!