Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Bad Zipper >:(

The zipper on my pants completely died this morning. You know when the zipper undoes itself automatically and both sides around the zip are open? Yeah, that's what happened. I'm glad I have a long shirt on today. I'm gunna hafta sew something tonight. I have another pair of pants that are too short, so I'm thinking I might just add some length to them and perhaps a side panel (or two ;) ) to make them look like they were made that way. I have an idea in my head that I want it to look like, but I seriously doubt that will actually happen.


Today the OED had an awards lunch. Last year we all went, ate Sonny's and each brought home a certificate. Yay! This year, we went, ate some Sonny's and each brought home a few certificates, and three awards. Two awards were for the whole team. Yay! They were the Survivor award and the best team ever award (that's not what it was called, but that was the point). I got an outstanding customer service award. :) One of the best parts was when we were leaving, someone gave us a tin of cookies to take with us. Score! We made an awards table when we got back to the office.


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