Monday, March 30, 2009


We're taking a break from houses this week because Kenley is busy. We'll look again on Friday. But oh man is Friday going to be busy!

Here's the agenda so far. Andrew is going to drive me to work at 7 (so I can get off at 4 and he can get to work on-time). At 3:30, he should get off work and come pick me up at 4 so we can go meet Kenley at 4:30. After looking at some houses (for who knows how long) we (or I because it is Andrew's birthday so he shouldn't have to do anything) get to go home and finish any party things (like cleaning the house or decorating). At 7, people should start showing up for the party. Sometime in the wee morning hours I get to go put dinner in the crock pot so I can pull it Saturday afternoon at 3:30ish and get it back into the pot for an hour before people show up for dinner. At breakfast time on Saturday, I think we are having pancakes and bacon, so I get to cook that for whoever is left of the All-Night-Movie-Marathon. I think then Andrew wants to go to the park and play frisbee golf. I plan on making lots of coffee. Lots. At dinner, his fam is coming over along with anyone else who either hasn't left yet or is returning for a pot luck. A true pot luck I am told. Now I haven't planned past this point yet. The only thing I do know is that we need to get some paper plates.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

I like coffee

More specifically I like foo-foo creamers. Coffee is nasty without cream and sugar.

My back is still bothering me. It’s a whole lot better though. Yesterday I even walked without a limp! Today it hurts a little more though.
I'm tired too. I think it might b e the muscle relaxants.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

House hunting begins

This morning we went house-looking with Kenley. It was fun. We saw like 8 houses, but we only really liked two. One Andrew likes and one I like lol. One house has a massive deck (Andrew’s favorite part and my least favorite part) and the other has a cute little kitchen & dining room (my fav, but Andrew’s least fav). The house I like would need a lot of cleaning up, like all the carpet has got to go, but it is a little bigger. I brought my camera, but didn’t take pictures. Next time I will because I’m getting confused. Andrew & I need to talk more about what we want.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Paddy's day!

I have a sprig of clovers in my hat, so no pinches for me!

We went out to UDave’s house and shot at clays. It was much fun. You can see the pictures with captions if you click on the slideshow to the left. We shipped out early to head down to Orlando.

We stayed at Lauren’s parent’s house because they are awesome. Andrew helped Kimmie with her homework and played chess with Lonnie. The horses are the most important pieces. Lonnie wouldn’t have lost if he had not given up both his horses. I’m just saying.

We got up and Lauren took us to Animal Kingdom. It was so much fun! We went on Everest and a safari. Yay! Pictures are to the left. As soon as Picasa will let me upload videos, those’ll be up too. We ate lunch at this awesome Asian place. We got to see a white rhino and lots of animal butts. The gorillas were in a posing mood. Lauren is fun. We love Lauren. We saw the Lion King show last. It was pretty cool. We went to Epcot for dinner and fireworks. We ended up eating at Morocco. It was good! Apparently I freaked out. I don’t remember freaking out as bad as Andrew says I did. Sorry. Fireworks were awesome. We camped out in front of Italy. At the end of the night, Lauren’s wallet sunk to the bottom of the World Showcase Lagoon. Woohoo! After a while of filling out reports and such, we headed on our way back home.

We went shopping briefly in the outlet mall by the turnpike. It was kind of fun. Lauren came on her way back to Disney to get a new ID and Main Gate and such. I realized on the way home that traveling on not-holiday weekends/days are awesome. Traffic was wonderful.

We took a day-trip to St George. It was so nice out! We sunblocked and walked down the beach a while and dig a big hole under a log. Digging is fun. I have pictures, but alas, they are still on my camera. They’ll come off eventually. We ate a big lunch at Boss Oyster. I found it’s best to not look at oysters while you are eating them. Ew.

In other news, we think we’ve picked a lender for our house. It turns out it’s the one that works in Kenley’s office. Sa-weet! Today should be the last day of gathering stuff for her so she can pre-approve us and we can start looking at houses. Yay!

In even other news, the surgeon that did my surgery’s office blows. They owe me a bunch of money and they are a pain to get anything from. It took them 2 weeks to cash the check I gave them before the surgery. >:/ I’m going over there today to get the check, even if I have to wait.

Monday, March 16, 2009

I like Charlie Crist

He seems to be a bad republican from everything they say about him on the news. He'd make a decent democrat though. Liking the environment and Barak Obama and all. Geez! What is he thinking!

I plan on updating everyone with a super blog post about last week. It'll be tomorrow or the next day before it gets up though. So be patient!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Check out the pictures from our 1st year anniversary in the slideshow on the left! We went to Disney with Lauren.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Happy Birthday Paige

We had a fun time last night celebrating Paige's birthday. We went out to dinner and had cake. We played with all the music stuff in our "music corner" and watched video's on YouTube. And best of all, I got some wonderful movies of Lauren and Andrew dancing. lol They'll be up later this week.

So here's the thing. We seriously disturbed the beer we made on Sunday. I was really afraid it was going to explode in the fermenter. The lid is all bulged out and when I got home yesterday, the airlock was full of foam and leaking everywhere (I took pictures that'll be up later this week too). It was making this awesome whistling sound. I took pictures and video of it so I could stop by the beer place on my way home after the doctor's today and ask them WTF? We ended up taking the airlock out and using one of the siphoning hoses to make a bigger airlock (by putting the one end in a big tub of water and letting it bubble out that way). This morning, the water in the tub was a very very dark brown beer color. It's also very beery in the bathroom.

Epic Photoshop Disaster

Monday, March 2, 2009


I'm so busy now that everyone has broken links and the realization has set in that they should have been telling us to update their pages months ago or doing it themselves.

Some people are just being babies about it though. It's not my fault. Don't bitch to me.

Evil cat
The Robot
High ground
Scary cat
B &B
Drunk friends
Mixed breed
I was going to eat that.
The Blues Brothers
Boy, I say boy!
I’m gunna drag her on over to Oak Street...