Wednesday, September 24, 2008

My Second Post

I did it! I know it's not perfect, but I like it. This look required hours and hours of sifting through two very complex css files, a few html files and an xml file that made no sense. Oh, and an entirely unhelpful user interface. I sound smart, right? lol

I got the majority of my css from CSS Zen Garden. It's a cool place that they need to update more often. Then I had to take apart the css that came wiith this blog to make the new css fit. Sheesh, what they make you go through to fully customize your pages!

I'm not as happy with the faded look of the text, but until I learn a little more xml it's going to stay this way.

On another note (I promise I won't be nerding all the time), Andrew, Lauren, Ryan and I went to see Get Smart at the movies last night. It was really funny. There was this one part that I found histerical and throughout the rest of the movie, every time there was a quiet part or a not funny part, it would pop into my head and I'd start cracking up. Lauren started laughing at me. It was so dumb. But worth the 75 cents we paid for it lol. Half-off night at the dollar theater is great. It cost more for a soda at the consession stand than it did for all 4 of us to see the movie.

Favorite parts of Get Smart:

  1. When the chief was having trouble saying the guy's name and Max was correcting him to no avail and quietly he comes off with, "Kris Kringle, fish sticks". I laughed so hard for so long and its so stupid.

  2. "If it was, 'Oh crap! Oh crap! I almost got stabbed in the face by a swordfish!' then yes."

  3. The Rock stapling the paper to the guy's forehead

  4. The fact that the good guys were actually really good shots

  5. The guy that is American Dad and a whole bunch of stuff at Disney

I also like the fact that ryan can park his bike behind our car in a parking spot and still have room.

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