Monday, September 29, 2008

To kill a mockinbird, or at least crush his dreams

This weekend was good. Andrew let me sleep way in on Sunday while he did laundry. He’s so awesome.

Lauren came by too. She had a new dress. It was pretty. It reminded us of the Powerpuff Girls though.

So I’ve decided that Andrew has replaced Florida State Football in my heart. Since I’ve met him I don’t watch games really anymore. I still care, but not enough to stand up for 4 hours to support them. I still bleed Garnet & Gold, but I think somewhere along the way I grew up. But if someone wanted to give me their extra tickets to the grown-up-sit-down-section, I wouldn’t turn them down.

Andrew told me this morning that my soup was probably bad. I trust him because he’s pretty much smarter than me. I can draw circles around him (lol) and start the tech-speak, but other than that I think he’s got me beat. I’m ok with that. I love him :)

So Florida is getting a new state bird. Poor old Mr. Mockingbird didn’t even make the list of possibles. When the site is up to vote, I’ll post it. My vote will be going for the Brown Pelican. I like them. They are big and scary. I wouldn’t go so far as to say that my imaginary sports team would be the Pelicans, but I wouldn’t want to have a throw down with an adult pelican.

So speaking of sports team names, I’m not 100% sure what my team would be. Swordfish would be ok, but it’s still kind of lame. The Dragon Slayers sounds too much like a Buffy thing. The Kimoto Dragons. The Praying Mantis. Sweetums.

Check out the right hand menu. All the previous posts will be listed there as well as anything that catches my interest. The pumpkin is obscuring it right now, but if you scroll you can find it. I'm still trying to come up with a better look for Halloween.

This is enough for one post. I’ll do more later.

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