Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Milk & Cereal

So I found this cool recipe website. There are lots of tips too on keeping your grocery bill down. I was thinking about trying powdered milk instead of regular milk because Andrew and I just don't drink it fast enough. It sits in the back of the fridge with a bit left in the jug and spoils. The stupid milk actually separates. I didn’t think that processed milk could separate. I guess it turns into curds and whey. Ew. So I was thinking powdered milk. I remember that I liked the carnation un-refrigerated milk that we had a long, long time ago. Like elementary school long time ago. It had a cow on the box. :) I think that we are going to start eating cereal in the mornings. Hot fries and cherry soda do not a good breakfast make.

Also, the lady that writes the blog has some cool soup ideas I think I want to try. After letting the butternut soup go bad and feeling terrible for it, I think it will be good for me to start making single serving things. I got a box of shells and cheese for Tuesday dinners, and if there’s extra, I can take that to work on Wednesdays.

So, how ‘bout Wachovia? I hope everything works out fine. It would really suck if, say, they did away with the Way2Save. I really like that idea. It’s really easy; everything just costs a dollar more. I like the points idea that Andrew gets on his card too.

So I’ve discovered the best job to have during a recession or a depression. A deep-freezer salesman. Somewhere on the internet, I don’t remember where, it was probably CNN, I read that when the economy gets bad, that people stock up on food and they usually need somewhere to put it. We saw some at Sam’s when we went last. I think we’ll get one when we get a house.

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