Thursday, October 2, 2008

Amazing Grace & Gilligan's Island

Did you ever try to sing the words from Amazing Grace to the tune of Gilligan’s Island?

Lauren told us that if you want to get a song that’s stuck in your head out, then all you need to do is sing the Amazing Grace lyrics to the theme from Gilligan’s Island. Her thing was that you are concentrating so hard on that that the other song dissipates. Yeah, well, baloney. I have that stuck in my head now. We tried it with Lauren, and it was kind of challenging the first time, but now that I’ve heard it, it’s almost as easy as Happy Birthday. Although, I think most of the concentrating the first time was figuring out how Gilligan’s Island went.

I'm a BravoTV junkie

I was watching Top Design on Bravo last night and I noticed something unusual. As the judges were talking, they were using big, complicated words. I didn’t really understand the guy at all. I couldn’t even tell from the context. “That’s so (insert big word). I mean, it’s like (insert a different big word).” I didn’t even know if he liked anything! And I thought TV catered to the lowest forms of intelligence.

Speaking of great TV, Project Runway was on too. We got home just as it was going off, so I made Andrew change the channel so I wouldn’t know the ending before I saw the beginning. So, sitting through the last 5 minutes of Mr. and Mrs. Smith and watching the ending credits roll, I switched back to Bravo just in time to see Kenley crying. I quickly switched back and made a mental note to fix the VCR clock to the right time. “Crap.” I thought. “They are sending Kenley home. I liked her.”

So I sat through Top Design until the encore showing of Project Runway. It was an ok one I thought. The clothes weren’t as nice as they had been all season, especially Jarel’s. OMG I thought the dress was going to fall off of the model! So, he won, but no one lost. Surprise! They all get to make collections and then next week, they’ll pick the three to go to Bryant Park. They did a similar thing last season with Ramey and Chris. I liked Chris. He was my 2nd favorite. This season I like Kenley, but not just because she’s from Pompano. I like Leann and Jarel, but they are not my favorites. I think Kato should win. I think she’s the best. Kenley makes 50’s style clothes, Jarel makes shiny brown clothes, Leann makes sculptured embellishments, and Kato makes pretty yellow things.

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