Friday, January 30, 2009

Houses and fun

I talked to a mortgage person today. We are apparently pre-qualified for much much more than we had originally thought. That doesn’t matter though; I don’t think we are going to look at things that are any more expensive than we would have looked at yesterday. What we are qualified for and what we can afford are two entirely different things.


Thursday, January 29, 2009


This makes me so happy and I don't know why.

I need a little happy.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Donuts and realtors

I got my stitches out, but it wasn't healed. Now it hurts all over again.

But on a happier, unrelated note, I made donuts last night. Boy were they good. Now I just gotta learn how to fill them with jelly and I'll be golden. What I did was:
  1. Andrew got a can of biscuit dough for me from Publix
  2. I poked holes in the biscuits with a bottle cap so I could get the donut holes too.
  3. I fried them in Andrew's deep-fryer on like medium for maybe a minute or two on each side. I took out one and cut a chunk out to see if it was cooked and then tried to match the color, which worked out to a minute or two.
  4. I tossed them in cinnamon and sugar in a tupperware. Next time I think I'll spring for the paper bag. My sugar and stuff started to clump up and not stick to the donuts; maybe the bag does better.

I didn't know that biscuit dough and donut dough was the same. News to me.

We met with Kenley this morning. I like him. He told us to talk to banks and the apartment first before he starts showing us stuff so we know how much we can spend and when we can leave. He gave us this big binder full of stuff. He was joking about reading it and how boring it will be, but I'm sure me and Andrew will both read it. We told him most of what we want and most of what we don't want. There are always things you remember right after you leave. But we got in the long-houses that look like trailers and the pool and fireplace stuff. I want to be as helpful as I can.

Fluffy soft in real life
I know it’s tiny, but I needed to share this with the world. How to be a gentleman at a party.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Stitches come out today hopefully. I don’t want to rush it. But oh my god, it is so good to sleep on my back again. It’ll be nice when the doctor’s check clears too. It’s been two weeks.

Andrew is the best husband ever. In a random need for baking last night, I decided to make this box of pink cake we had. The only problem was that I was one egg short. So after a little pissing and moaning, he went down to Lauren & Paige’s house to get me an egg. I think best-husband-ever felt better after he had some cake :)

I am no baker. I had a box of cake and managed to mangle it to death. I followed the directions too. They need a step in there in between the step to bake it for 30 minutes and the step to cool it for 15 on a cooling rack. The step should say leave it in the pan for a few minutes so that when you dump it onto the cooling rack you don’t rip the cake in half, which is what happens when you take the cake out of the oven and immediately flip it upsidedown on the cooling rack. Cake is cake though, so it all eats the same. It just looks really crappy. I used silicon cake pans sprayed with Pam and still got the cakes stuck. I like brownies better. I can make those. Or Andrew’s dump cake, which is what kind of cake I want for my birthday (hint hint Andrew).

Monday, January 26, 2009


The label is the beer's birth certificate and, in that regard, designing a beer label is a little bit like conception. The act of procreation is a pleasure, but secondary to the joy of seeing your child (in this case, the beer) enter the world, well received, in his fancy new blanket.
lol fancy new blanket :)

Why do laughing babies make me so happy?

Jump rope
The cutest kitten ever!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Addendum to this morning's post

I know, two in one day. So sue me.

I wanted to put up some pictures.

I love Andrew

It's been a while

It’s been a long time since last post. I feel better now. Yay!

So here’s what happened: I slept a lot. But seriously, TMH was great from what I remember. Everyone was really nice. They gave me something to “relax” that promptly made me fall asleep. I woke up once in recovery to throw up on myself. The nurse said something and shoved a towel on my shoulder. I fell back asleep. The second time however, I was aware enough to tell the nurse and she gave me a cup. The towel I think had disappeared by then. By the third time, I was pretty awake and got a new cup and they decided to give me something else to combat the nausea. Which almost immediately made me fall back to sleep. Andrew said it took a lot longer to wake up than they had told us.

We stopped to eat on the way home. My throat was really sore from the breathing tube I guess. I had to take a sip of water with every bite to get it to swallow. I didn’t eat much and I was falling asleep again. That’s pretty much how it went for a few days. They gave me Percocet, but it is more of an uncomfortable thing than a hurt thing, so I only ended up using a few. They didn’t help. I hate sleeping on my sides. I think I’m over the sleeping-on-my-side thing because Andrew said I was sleeping on my back snoring a few days ago.

We went to Ruby Tuesday for some “roughage” because all I had eaten in as few days was fries. When Andrew left to use the bathroom I began arguing with a song on the radio just as the waiter stopped by. I might be embarrassed the next time we go if I could remember who the guy was. Silly anesthesia.

Andrew’s family came over for pizza on Monday. It was the most that I was able to sit up without being dizzy. I think everyone had a good time.

I have one more appointment to get the stitches out and then I’ll be golden!

On a completely unrelated note, it was so cold this morning that all the grass had frost on it. I hope I didn’t kill my spider plants. We went to get coffee and there was such a layer of ice on the car that the cup kept sliding off the roof. Silly ice. Temperatures in the teens are too cold.

Friday, January 16, 2009

I'm all better

I'm all better now. I'm just recovering from the anesthesia. So I'm a bit sore everywhere and my throat hurts some and I'm oh so tired. I'll post more about it later. TMH was wonderful :)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Ew. I have to be at the hospital at 7:30 tomorrow. Why do surgeons get up so early? I can't eat or drink after midnight, so I guess early is better. I can't even have water. I think I'm making myself sick. My stomach has been upset for two days. Friday will be better.

Andrew is going to make beer in preperation for the beer-making-demonstration-party. Sporty Spice.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I have message sign-writer’s block

"This beer has been naturally carbonated in the bottle. A small layer of yeast sediment on the bottom is normal. For maximum enjoyment, store and refrigerate this bottle in the upright position. Slowly pour the entire contents into a glass, stopping just before the end. This will leave the yeast sediment behind."

So I got really excited about this label that I made. Woo hoo! I was really digging on it. I stopped to do something else, and when I came back to it, well, hot damn. It looks like a dinosaur egg. Time to try again. There was success, however. I made a logo that me and Andrew like.
Dino egg label Logo

Here are two pictures from PostSecret. I don't know how long they'll be up, so act fast!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Today is very tech heavy (read:nerdy)

This is for all you Internet Explorer fans (and a nice laugh for all the haters).

I don’t know how many of you saw the exploded black blog of yesterday. Obviously if you did, you can see this now and I fixed it. If you didn’t, then I’m betting you either use Explorer or you visited late yesterday afternoon. Here’s the long story.

I made this (the one that you see) design up in Photoshop. I really like it. I think its pretty and vector-y. Since I use only Internet Explorer (IE) at work, that’s what I designed the blogger template in. All fine and dandy. Until, of course, I looked at it in Firefox. I don’t even know why I had to open Firefox. But as soon as I saw the stacked, black, exploded page with really no trace of what it should look like in it, I about had a fit. It had taken me a long time to code the design into blogger. It took me until this afternoon to make Firefox and IE look the same. It didn’t take too awful long to get the Firefox version to look ok. But, and here’s the frustrating part, there still was a 8 or so pixel difference in IE that was throwing the alignment off. When I’d fix it in IE, Firefox would push everything to the right. When I’d fix it in Firefox, IE would push everything to the right. I learned a valuable lesson. IE has no idea how to handle margins and padding correctly. It also will accept and implement crap code (I did it on purpose as a hack). I’ll explain.

I was missing a “}“ initially. IE was like “Whatever” and Firefox was like “Nope. I can’t handle this” so it exploded the page. I found and fixed that fairly easily. Then I was left with the problem of the right column inching itself over 8 pixels. I tried every combination of margin and padding on every div box that I could think of. When one would work, the other wouldn’t. For a while I was over thinking it; adding something more complicated than I needed to (I was adding a div box just to space the columns correctly trying to float it without stacking it. After multiple failed attempts at it, I realized that I could get rid of the dev box, remove padding and margins from another and just make the other wider with the background set to repeat-y). Yay! It was much nicer code. But the problem with Firefox/IE and the 8 pixel drift was still there. This is when I learned the second lesson.

Adding a float:left to the css fixed the drift in IE but created one in Firefox. Getting rid of the float fixed it in Firefox, but messed it up in IE. After trying to figure out a way to have Firefox ignore the float style, I found an interesting tidbit of info. IE is stupid. It ignores errors in code. Firefox is smart. It ignores code with errors. Awesome, I just needed to code something bad enough that Firefox will ignore it but good enough that IE will still recognize it. So, I deliberately messed up on commenting the float out. // instead of /*. Firefox ignored it because it is not a correct command and IE accepted it because it has no idea what it is doing.

With all the money Microsoft has, you’d thing that they would come up with a browser that I can’t trick with a backslash.


Thursday, January 8, 2009


So the doctor finally called me back (it only took two days). It seriously took 3 minutes of the scheduler’s time. Surgery is Thursady. Woot >:( Pre-op is on Monday.

More of my time these last few days was spent creating this look. So I don’t have a lot of content today.

I think I’m sick. I’m supposed to be taking antibiotics. I hope that clears up the cough.


Wednesday, January 7, 2009


So, I didn’t know this, but Dolphin Stadium was originally named Dolphin Stadium by Joe Robbie. Who knew? Speaking of football, how ‘bout them Lions? Sucks to be them. Miami was close last season; I’m surprised they were AFC East champs this season.

Teams that suck:
  1. Chicago Cubs. 100 year drought. Curse of the Billy Goat perhaps?
  2. Chicago Blackhawks. 47 year drought. Toronto Maple Leafs. 41 year drought. Plus lots that never won (but the Panthers are still the best team in the NHL).
  3. Arizona Cardinals. 61 year drought since they last won. However, they did win. The
  4. Cleveland Browns, Detroit Lions (uber suck, they couldn’t win even one game this season),
  5. Houston Texans, Jax Jaguars, and New Orleans Saints haven’t won yet.
  6. Sacramento Kings. 57 year drought, although there are a lot of teams who have not won yet (the Suns being the oldest)
Players that didn’t suck, but were on teams that did:
  1. Dan Marino
  2. Ty Cobb
  3. Karl Malone
  4. John Stockton
  5. Barry Sanders
  6. O.J. Simpson
  7. Charles Barkley
  8. Patrick Ewing
  9. Reggie Miller
  10. Dick Butkus

Anyone who can tell me what this is gets brownie points! I love it!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


I love Andrew. He says some of the dumbest things.

Example 1: A long time ago, I was sitting at the table doing something and Andrew was in the kitchen putting the dishes away when I heard, “Snaggletooth. That’s what I’ll call you.” I turned to look at him and he was all like “what?” One of the knives had a bent tip.

Example 2: On the ride home from Mom & Dad’s Saturday, we were “playing” the license plate game. I called Florida just because and the very next car (surprisingly) was a Florida and Andrew goes “ha! I call Florida.” Then, under his breath, “Ooh bip.” With emphasis on the p. I laughed so hard that he asked if I wanted to pull over.

Another thing that made me hysterical was on Sunday. We were watching The Smoking Gun Presents…The World’s Dumbest whatevers and this idiot stole a Krispy Kreme truck and was running from the cops spilling donuts everywhere. One of the commenters said it was like chum to angry sharks and I just about lost it for like half an hour. I even did that stupid wheezing thing.

And now for something completely different…
I put the Xmas pictures up on Picasa. Click on the slideshow to the right. I’m trying to come up with a better design for the site. Just give me some time (or ideas).

Fighter cat

Monday, January 5, 2009

Where to start…

Xmas was fun. Andrew made a batch of beer. It bubbled all week long. I think we get to bottle it tonight. I did it! I surprised Andrew with his present. He had no idea. But then we had to watch Fearless lol. He got me The Dark knight. We watched it at Mom and Dad’s although it was their Netflix copy. I don’t remember the drive down. Traffic? Probably. When we got there, we opened presents. Mom got me a beautiful wind chime. I have a place to put it already. :D We did nothing for a week. It was wonderful :) On Friday, we went to the new casino for dinner. It was good. We went to play nickel slots after. The guy at the entrance carded me and Andrew. He was like, “You look 19.” I was thinking, “Don’t you have to be 18?” Mom won $6 and Andrew lost $10. :) Me and Dad watched. I have pictures, but they are still on my camera. Mom also lost all her Xmas pictures along with some of the dog. Folders just disappeared off her computer. Andrew also got his phone broken. It has this lovely orange blob at the top of the screen. T-Mobile was like, “Suck it up, you get new phones in June.”

The doctor says I need surgery, so I get to call everyone today to find out how much this is going to cost. >:-P

When we have grandkids, I hope we are the favorite set of grandparents.

A funny post is coming tomorrow!
