Tuesday, January 6, 2009


I love Andrew. He says some of the dumbest things.

Example 1: A long time ago, I was sitting at the table doing something and Andrew was in the kitchen putting the dishes away when I heard, “Snaggletooth. That’s what I’ll call you.” I turned to look at him and he was all like “what?” One of the knives had a bent tip.

Example 2: On the ride home from Mom & Dad’s Saturday, we were “playing” the license plate game. I called Florida just because and the very next car (surprisingly) was a Florida and Andrew goes “ha! I call Florida.” Then, under his breath, “Ooh bip.” With emphasis on the p. I laughed so hard that he asked if I wanted to pull over.

Another thing that made me hysterical was on Sunday. We were watching The Smoking Gun Presents…The World’s Dumbest whatevers and this idiot stole a Krispy Kreme truck and was running from the cops spilling donuts everywhere. One of the commenters said it was like chum to angry sharks and I just about lost it for like half an hour. I even did that stupid wheezing thing.

And now for something completely different…
I put the Xmas pictures up on Picasa. Click on the slideshow to the right. I’m trying to come up with a better design for the site. Just give me some time (or ideas).

Fighter cat

1 comment:

  1. I really like this new look! It's very sophisticated & lovely! Glad you got your surgery scheduled, too. Let us know if you need anything before or after the surgery!
