Thursday, February 5, 2009

Chairs and kudos

So I got a “new” chair at work. There is a corner of the building where office things go to die. Two days ago, one of the big cushy conference room chairs was out there. The seat had ripped, but it was an otherwise good chair. So I asked if I could scarf it up to replace my squeaky chair. I brought the duct tape today and it’s good as new!

On another great note, I was able to sleep on my back fairly comfortably last night. Woot! I feel so much better today. I don’t feel as tired.

You know you frequent a place of business too much when you send them an anonymous letter and they know who you are. As I was filling out the survey from Bruegger’s, I figured I would send in a feedback form since I was already on the website. I praised the employees and said how much we love going there. Apparently, the corporate office sent the email to the store. Rebecca asked me about it this morning. The regional boss asked her if she knew who could have sent it and she was all like, “Pfft, I know. :)”


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