Monday, February 23, 2009

Happy birthday to me!

I like being crafty. I made red velvet cake truffles for Nicole’s birthday present. They weren’t that hard, but they were a bit tricky. I melted the chocolate chips in the microwave and “painted” it into ice cube trays and put them in the freezer. I read online that chocolate shrinks as it freezes so the cups would just pop out. Lie. I only broke a few though. The next thing was to crumble the cake and mix icing into it to make it pastey. That part was easy. And messy. But not as messy as piping the filling into the cups. After a messy situation with a sandwich bag bursting, we moved the filling to a gallon bag. It lasted a little longer. I ended up piercing the bag with all of my fingers and a seam burst towards the end and red velvet cake was everywhere. It looked like I killed something. And I did this twice :) Topped with pink sprinkles and placed on a pretty plate with a cover, they looked pretty. Apparently they taste good. Andrew wants a “sampling of cakes” for his birthday. But unless they make smaller boxes of cake mix, he might just get one kind. But I have time to come up with something.

The recipe I followed said to dip balls of the cake mix in the chocolate, but making cups was more fun. I think it might be too much chocolate though. The cups would be good filled with anything. Dark chocolate cups filled with cake might be good too.

I love Andrew :) We are going out for pizza at Momo’s tonight (not the grown-up store) and friends are coming over for games after. I heart dump cake. Last night there was a February birthday celebration at Peter & Laura’s. Addy is too cute singing Happy Birthday. Laura liked the dog we got her and I got fabulous gift cards :) and Nicole liked the candy/cake. I think it’s funny that Papa didn’t know it was my birthday :)

The entire state internet/intranet is down. No one has email, internet, intranet or anything happening on a state server. When your job is internet, then there is nothing to do. That’s why I can type this big post. I’m not currently busy. Oh, I will be when we’re up and running again.

It’s like a tiny disgusting snail kiss.
Big ears
I like Huskies
Heck yes
This pup is beefy
Bulldogs are awesome
So are itty bitty dachshund puppies!
And bassets

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