Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I got the blues da na na na na

I cooked a nice (RE: I set the table nice) dinner for Andrew last night since he is feeling kind of blue. Let me tell you it was one sexy table. I converted out tablecloth to a runner and broke out the battery candles and the two tapers that bleed funny colors that Mom just gave us. I didn’t cook so well, but it looked nice. Justin, Ryan and tall Andrew came over too. But not for dinner.

Work is still really busy, but I really need to tell about what happened. So I made a right hand menu. Woohoo, I know. Here’s the backstory and an explanation. The server we are working on has been uber slow lately. I mean creeping. I don’t know if that’s the cause, but it couldn’t hurt to blame it. After all, it’s just a server. Anyways, in the new look of the website, everything is getting a right hand menu. We make them, put them in a folder and then link to an instance of them in the pages that need them (so we have one file to edit instead of editing several pages). I made one and linked it to the pages that need it. I noticed something and had to make an edit to the menu file. No biggie, I do it all the time. What was weird though was that the edit was not showing up in preview mode. Refreshing and dumping cache was not helping. I asked a coworker and my boss both of which had no idea what was wrong. The file showed correctly in the WYSIWYG editor, but not in a browser. It sounds a lot less strange that it was. John eventually fixed it by renaming the page that was linking to the menu and then renaming it back. I <3 John.

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