Thursday, April 23, 2009


I made my second round of sushi last night. It came out way way way better than my first attempt. I just need to know how to make less rice. I took pictures. I'll post them later :)

Stuff I improved upon between last time and this time:
  1. I rinsed the rice so we didn't have "smelly rice"
  2. I figured out how much rice to use in hosomaki and futomaki without exploding the rolls
  3. I figured out that if I under fill, I will never explode a roll, but I did figure out how much filling is appropriate to have in a nice, not under filled or exploded roll
  4. I timed everything better
  5. I successfully attempted uramaki by lining the rice with sliced avocado (it looks like the retarded baby brother of the Dragon Rolls they make at Publix)

Andrew is the best :)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

It's hard waiting for the sellers of the house we like to let us know about our offer! I didn't sleep well last night. Neither did Andrew.

I'm going to try my hand at Chinese cooking this evening. When we were in Disney with Lauren this last time, we had a delicious little puff ball. We asked what it was called. I don't remember what they said, buy Ya said they were called "baozi". I found a recipe and we got the filling last night from the Korean market by TCC (we also got the fixins for sushi, but that'll be attempted this weekend). I'll stop by Publix for the rest of the ingredients on my way home tonight.

An interesting tidbit of information: I did a clip art search for "baozi" in Word, and it actually came back with an image of it! I think this may be the first time that Word has come back with applicable clip art. Bu it still tells me I spell it wrong. go figure.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


So we found a house. We put in an offer yesterday afternoon. We gave the owners until Wednesday to respond to it. I won't say more :)

Apparently though I take nauseating videos.

I switched the slideshow to the left from Xmas pictures to ones I took from our trip to Disney for our anniversary last month. Picasa/Blogger finally recognised the album.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Happy Birthday honey!

I think Andrew had a good birthday. Everyone came except Justin. I can only assume he forgot. We didn’t quite stay up all night watching moves, but it was pretty late before the last person left. Up again early to make breakfast. I’m not a super-cook, so Andrew didn’t get the elephant or giraffe pancakes he asked for, but he did get silver-dollar-Mickeys. With weird ear tumors. And lopsided. Lauren & Paige came over to eat. Dinner came out good too. The fam showed up as did all the guys & Lauren. Paige showed up late, ate, and left which I thought was a little weird, but whatever. I’m not sure our friends grasp the idea of a “pot luck”.

We house hunted on Sunday. I’m getting a little frustrated. Kenley keeps showing us houses in this one neighborhood, but it’s not near anything. It just seems so far away. I have to do some research today. Andrew says its close to TCC, but all I keep thinking is that it is going to take me an hour to get home at night.

Friday, April 3, 2009

So I found this awesome site about terrible cakes. It’s called Cake Wrecks: When Professional Cakes Go Horribly, Hilariously Wrong

She has this awesome description of hockey:
“See, apparently they play this sport on ice - but they have to make sure the ice is really thick, or else their cleats will scuff it all up. The players wear lots of padding and helmets, and carry little butterfly nets on sticks with which to hit the ball around. The object of the game is to score a triple Hail Mary - which is just another name for a running slam dunk - and consists of knocking three other players down while simultaneously dunking the ball through one of the red rings. Players known as running backs try to kick the ball, but the other team's catchers use their heads and butterfly nets to deflect the ball away from their side's field goal. Any running backs who are able to push the other team's running backs out of the big circle in the middle get what's called a free throw, in which they're allowed to chuck the ball at the head of their least favorite player. If they miss, their team only scores a half-down, but if the ball hits the other player, they score a hole-in-one.”“There was also some stuff about yard lines, birdies, and triple-axles, but I kind of zoned out at that point. Still, I think I just may have to check out a hockey game some day; John tells me every time the pitcher serves a kill-shot, the mascot serves hot chocolate. How cool is that?!?”

lol hug

So, I’ve decided that I don’t really like Tasty Pastry. I ordered (or thought I ordered) cupcakes for Andrew. I wanted as many different kinds of cake as I could get, but I really only needed one cupcake or so of each kind. They were all like “sure!” and wrote it down. I got a call yesterday that my “order” was ready. Apparently they only had two kinds of cupcake for me, not the original 5 I had “ordered”. She said they only had the two because they didn’t make any of the other kinds of cake all week. So, I can’t just get a cupcake? I needed to have ordered more to warrant baking anything!? Why have me order anything if you weren’t going to actually make it? After I picked up my “order” I drove on down to Heidi’s Bakery and got other stuff (probably better stuff) that is a surprise. Pfft. I use Heidi’s from now on. It’s too bad Heidi’s was closed on Monday or I could have avoided all this in the first place.

And really, I should have done all the making of the things yesterday, but the stupid power was out until this morning. I am so behind.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Lots of links and rain!

We, and by “we” I mean “Andrew” finally did our taxes. We, and by we I mean “we”, had a moment of panic when the IRS rejected the efile. It was all my fault. It said my name wasn’t right and I just about had a panic attack (not really, but I was deeply concerned that the name change stuff I did a year ago hadn’t stuck). It turned out that there was a typo on the form. It was trying to match me to a “wakins”. Whew. Crisis averted.

Speaking of averted crises, Friday has opened up and will now be less stressful. We aren’t meeting Kenley anymore, so we’ll be able to sleep just a touch more. Woo!

So, I didn’t think the car was as dirty as God did. Man did it rain yesterday night (and all day today so far)! It rained so hard I couldn’t see Lauren’s building from our house. It’s only like 100-150 yards away. Sheesh! I like Florida. You can see the rain coming. I remember once in Penwood I think, that we were outside looking at Doak and in like 2 seconds it disappeared. That rain was hauling! We got back inside real quick. I always liked that at Pap’s house too. The trees in the pasture would disappear and then the rain would start at the house. I guess it’s like that in other places besides Florida, I just haven’t experienced it. Another thing that is way cool is when you are at the beach and there is a storm coming. I love how you can see the edge. It’s prettiest at sunrise when it’s all pink and purple and stormy.


Put it backFun?Snowed in
Rise & shine!Cater to meI love you too...
Tap dancingI didn’t brush my hairWord.
LeprechaunExemptThe caption on this is great, not so much the picture
AddictionPoutStar Wars phone plans
The Shining catSpicy fishCookie?
Head-OnChuck would be proudWaldo Sandiego
An oldie but a goodieChuckThe Musical
Harder than originally thoughtHobby dogMini-hulk
VacationChirp?Mr. Bean
Cat-skunkThis puppy reminds me of animeLupus <- for Andrew
PianistSunroofNo neck
Gerbil sprinklesBlondesHoly hand grenade
Eskimo pieGood dog!Choke
ClueJabba the bulldogJesus
Art therapyHappy!Bathroom reading
Drinking problemCuddlesI know I’m a nerd
NomIdiot.I believe this