Thursday, April 23, 2009


I made my second round of sushi last night. It came out way way way better than my first attempt. I just need to know how to make less rice. I took pictures. I'll post them later :)

Stuff I improved upon between last time and this time:
  1. I rinsed the rice so we didn't have "smelly rice"
  2. I figured out how much rice to use in hosomaki and futomaki without exploding the rolls
  3. I figured out that if I under fill, I will never explode a roll, but I did figure out how much filling is appropriate to have in a nice, not under filled or exploded roll
  4. I timed everything better
  5. I successfully attempted uramaki by lining the rice with sliced avocado (it looks like the retarded baby brother of the Dragon Rolls they make at Publix)

Andrew is the best :)

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