Monday, November 10, 2008

Leon Sinks

We went to Peter & Laura’s on Saturday. It was fun. They bought a pretty brown couch. It’s really comfy. We had a crab boil for dinner. Ryan came over and ate some too. We went over to his house later (after we picked up some choice things at Target for next Halloween). Andrew helped him with chemistry and I fell asleep.

Sunday Andrew and I went on a short hike in Leon Sinks. Fun! We had a picnic on a bench by one of the sinks. Burt this time we made it all the way to Big Dismal Sink. That’s my favorite one. Hammock Sink is a close second. My camera’s battery died early on, so I didn’t get pictures of a lot. I only was able to snap about 10 before the camera would no longer turn on. There was one place that was like fall essence. It was so pretty. The sun was lighting up all the fall colors and we were surrounded. Stupid camera.

This is Hammock Sink. The water was absolutely georgeous!
You could see all the way to the bottom. When it rains, it turna a murkey tea color.
But not Sunday! It was a beautiful teal.

Here's Andrew looking out over the Hammock Sink.

This is Gopher Hole sink. It's an awesome cave like sink. This is the bottom.
There is a deep hole leading down to this opening on the top. I was only ever up there
once and I was scared I was going to fall in. The felled tree is a new addition.
Probably from Fay. The sink is full of water and it is so calm.
It's like looking at glass in the dark. I didn't get a good picture this time.

Evelyn in fall. I love fall.

This is Big Dismal Sink. It is awesome and the picture doesn't do it justice.
You have to see it in person to understand how huge this hole is.
I'd say hundreds of feet to the top of the water. And the water is so deep it's black.

Aren't we cute?

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