Thursday, November 13, 2008

Top Chef

This is day 2 in a row that I spilled coffee all over myself. I think I’m addicted to the caffeine.

Last night was the start of Top Chef. Andrew picked his favorite and she was the first to go home lol. It should get better when there's less people.

I was going to give Andrew a raspberry on the tummy last night and he accidentally pushed me off the bed. By accident, I elbowed him in the ear. As I was falling, all I could think about was twisting enough to be able to avoid getting stabbed in the back with the corner of the bedside table. I managed to do that quite well actually, but I still landed hard on a pile of shoes and a belt and having the three hundred pound flashlight hit me in the back. My leg still hurts today. No visible bruise, but it sure feels that way. Andrew's ear is ok.

We might be going to Nguyen's housewarming party on Saturday. Fun! I like Andrew's co-workers.


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