Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Microwave meatloaf

The OIT Thanksgiving Luncheon yesterday was fun. I got to talk to Rita and Kevin and Glen. :) I brought cranberry sauce. I also managed to dip my hair in the cranberry aftermath. It was a big sticky mess. Gini was awesome and put the messy dish into her bag so I’d stop getting it all over everything. I heart Gini.

Andrew is the best husband ever. He did a load of dishes before he left for work yesterday. When I got home I did the rest (with his wonderful help). We had thawed some hamburger that we needed to cook, and I didn’t want to dirty more dishes, so I googled "microwave ground beef" and found a recipe for meatloaf in the microwave. Somehow though, I got it in my head that meatloaf goes in the oven and I started to mix it in a not microwaveable dish. Crap, that’s one dirty dish that was unnecessary. Then I transferred it to a bowl to put in the microwave. Dirty dish #2. Well, the recipe called for shredded cheddar cheese which we didn’t have, so I took 2 slices of American singles and tore them up. During the microwaving process, all the cheese came to a boil and leaked over the edge of the bowl and burned itself to the microwave plate. Dirty dish #3. I wasn’t sure if it was done after I cooked it for the recommended time, so I flipped it out of the bowl onto a plate. Dirty dish #4. Cut it with a knife, used a fork to eat it and got a glass to drink from. Dirty dishes #5, 6 & 7. All in all, it would have been less to wash if I would just have ovened it in the first dish. It tasted good though. It even had a crunchy crust. I’m not sure if it was just the cheese that eeked out and burned though. I was so excited about the microwave meatloaf that I completely forgot to make anything else, including the asparagus that we eventually threw out this morning. It was the epitome of low-carb meals; a big domed lump of meat.
  • 1 lb of hamburger
  • ¼ cup breadcrumbs
  • ¼ cup milk (I used water)
  • 2 tbsp ketchup
  • 2 tbsp soy sauce
  • 2 tsp dry onion soup mix (I used 2 tsp powdered mashed potatoes and some garlic powder)
  • 1 egg
  • ¼ cup shredded cheddar cheese (I used Kraft Singles)
Mix everything into a ball and microwave covered with wax paper for 10 minutes. Let stand 10 minutes before serving. I suggest putting it on a paper plate so you don’t burn it to your microwave like I did.


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