Monday, November 24, 2008

Tailgates and cards

I hate pick up trucks that are missing their tailgate. I feel like they are mooning me.

This weekend we went to Bradley’s Country Fair. It was a ton of fun. So many arts and craft! Addy and her daddy made it into the newspaper too! It was worth walking through fields of poo to get to. You’d think that if you were having a big-to-do that you’d at least drag the cow pasture before you let tons of people stomp through it. We carried some home on our tires. Ew.

So this morning when we were getting coffee, the lady in line in front of us turned to me and grabbed my scarf. She oohed and awed over it and proceeded to tell me that she could only make children’s hats because she was so new at knitting. Everyone thinks that I knitted or crocheted it. I’m like, “no way, my uncle made it”. USil (I’m calling him that now because it’s how he signs his emails) needs business cards that I can hand out to people. Oh ooh! With that picture with him in the top hat and all the scarves!

Speaking of business cards, I made one up for Dad for Santa. I made a lot and am tired of looking at so much red & green. I think I might have made them too festive though. I’ll find out soon enough though when he gats back to me about what he likes/dislikes about them. I also worked on Addy’s invite this weekend. I showed Nicole the milkshake and she loved it. I created another version (sans the text) last night after dinner (but before the InDesign lesson I gave to Lauren’s dad. I don’t think I was too helpful though). It has a big “2” peeking out from behind the milkshake and is a folding card. It’s cute, but it needs a bit more work. I should have stuff for Nicole tonight or tomorrow.

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