Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving weekend

I had such a good time this weekend! The drive down was long due to Ocala traffic, but otherwise uneventful. Fall is so pretty. The whole way down is lined with trees that change colors (all except the lower turnpike, then it’s gator infested canals :)).

Mom made delicious food and Dad fried a turkey. My mini-pumpkin-pies didn’t come out as good as I’d have liked, but they seemed to be eaten up nonetheless. The house was all pretty too. I took pictures and they should be up tomorrow. Uncle Louis, Aunt Chris and Vin and Mike came to TDay dinner. USil and Vin played some sax. Vincent is really really good. They played some Xmas songs.

Mom & Dad have a duck problem. Dad says he chases them off with the hose, but he went running after one to get it away from the yard. It was funny. He wouldn’t do it again for the camera though.

The trip home was terrible. It took 10 ½ hours when it should have only taken 7. We hit the front coming down. There was one point that it got so windy that Andrew said it was throwing the truck around. I’d estimate that if it was doing that to the truck that we had at least TS force winds. I think it was a little tornado, but that’s only because I watch Tornado Chasers too much. There were backups all along the turnpike, the 75-Turnpike interchange, Ocala, and Gainesville. Bu I-10 was clear. It was heavy traffic, but no slowdowns. I’ve only ever seen it worse once. I gave up that time and stayed with Keren.

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