Friday, December 5, 2008

Micro-sleep and dreams

So I had a weird dream last night. Andrew and I went to go see the Nutcracker in my mind’s rendition of Ruby Diamond, except it was kind of like High School Musical (I think, I’ve never seen it). It was very upbeat and modern with no ballet. Towards the end, three of the performers zipped up cables to the upper deck and danced a little on a platform. They then jumped off and flew around on the cables a little (like Tinker Bell did). Then three ballet dancers (now it was a ballet) came and acrobatically hooked things that were attached to their feet to the top of the cables the other people were hanging on. They all zipped down head first except the one closest to where we were sitting. Her thing didn’t hook right and she fell head first into the seats below (but lucky for her they were a whole lot closer than in real life). The manager, or whatever he was, was standing right in the aisle and was quick to shout at everyone to calm down and not to panic. I looked over the edge and the lady was in a pile, but she didn’t look broken or bloody or anything. The manager ushered everyone in the lower bowl out and the folks at the top filed out too. When we were outside, the ballerina came out with her arm in a sling and head bandaged up and everyone clapped. They were about to let us back in, but then our alarm went off and I woke up.

In between that dream and when I got up, I had another dream, kinda. Andrew was like, “Get up, are you gonna take a shower?” And I was all “:( I don’t want to get up.” Then like 2 seconds later Andrew was like “Get up, are you gonna take a shower?” And I was all “WTF? Didn’t we just do this?” The second one was really Andrew waking me up. The first one was a dream.

I need to get up earlier. Did you ever have one of those moments in the car where you were driving along la de da and then you were stopped at a light or on a road and don’t really remember the trip to that point? I had one of those this morning from about Gaines to Magnolia. No idea. I know how I got there, I just can’t recall any of the details; what car was in front of me, how many cars there were, etc. I’m afraid that it might be “micro sleep”. I sincerely hope not.

Wikipedia says:
“People who experience microsleeps usually remain unaware of them, instead believing themselves to have been awake the whole time, or feeling a sensation of 'spacing out'. One example is called "gap driving". From the perspective of the driver, he or she was driving a car, and then suddenly realizes that several seconds have passed by unnoticed. It is not obvious to the driver that he was asleep during those missing seconds, although this is in fact what happened.”

Links - there are movies and pictures peppered together, but everything is work safe:

1 comment:

  1. Can I tell you how often this happens to me? I'm fascinated that it's a real diagnosis! Thanks for the enlightenment!
