Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Tonight we are going to the circus and maybe a bit of Halloween fun afterwards on Woodward. I’m so excited!

Only Halloween links today!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Rodizios and last night's tv

Andrew and I went to Rodizios last night for dinner. It was really good. They had this one cut of meat that quite literally melted in your mouth. It was awesome. Andrew liked it a lot. He said he liked it better than the Melting Pot, but I disagree. I like other things than just meat. If we go back again, I think I will keep my “salad bar” plate throughout the meal.

Funny but sad story: when we got home I flipped on the TV and the Obammercial was on. Like the very last two minutes or so. He was wrapping it up and I was like, that looks like he is in the Bank Atlantic center! So I called Dad and he confirmed. It’s sad that I can recognize the Panther stadium in like 2 seconds.

I also watched the Daily Show interview with Obama. I thought it was good. He answered questions without just restating the question in the form of a sentence. You betcha. I also saw the Colbert Report, and it was the first time that The Word was a fail. It really wasn’t that funny. But on a not political note, congrats Phillies. It would have been nice for the Rays to win, but, eh, neither team is the Marlins so I really don’t care. Also, Eddie got sent home on Top Design. I was scared for Nathan. I really want him to win. I heart Nathan. I like Ondine too. Preston, not so much. Eddie was starting to get on my nerves, but the judges were right. Nathan’s house would totally be more interesting.


Wednesday, October 29, 2008


So I brought my spider plants in out of the cold. I set their tray on a cookie sheet. I don’t know when to put them back outside though. There is a frost warning for tonight just like last night. The internet says it's 29 outside right now. I miss Margate.

We are like 5 days behind in reading the bible. It’s going to be tough to catch up. At least we are into stories and out of Job. It’s getting so much less repetitive and they are repeating themselves less often and it’s much less repetitive too.

Project Runway leaving Bravo makes me sad. Not so much that it’s leaving makes me sad, but that I can’t find out any current information about it. Will it be on Lifetime? When will season 6 air? What is Fashion House?

An interesting bit of trivia: Audiences would show up to one of Andy Kaufman's stage performances expecting to see him perform as Latka, and heckling him with demands when he did not. Kaufman would punish these audiences with the announcement that he was going to read The Great Gatsby to them. The audience would laugh at this, not realizing that he was serious and would proceed to read the book to them, continuing despite audience members' departure. At a certain point, he would ask the audience if they wanted him to keep reading, or play a record. When the audience chose to hear the record, the record he cued up was a recording of him continuing to read The Great Gatsby from where he had left off. (Wikipedia)



Monday, October 27, 2008

Pumpkin carving weekend

This weekend was great. I feel better (although Andrew’s ear is broken) and the pumpkin carving day was fun.

We bought 4 pumpkins for everyone to carve. The guy at the pumpkin patch apparently couldn’t compare pumpkin sizes well or add at all. Lauren and Paige brought their own pumpkins and Ryan and Justin never showed, so we had plenty of pumpkins. They all came out really good. I’ll post pictures later. Peter picked out all the pumpkin seeds so we toasted more. We ate dinner at Sonny’s. After, we went with Hoyt and Lauren to the Terror of Tallahassee. It was so much fun. The actors creep me out. I love it. There was no creepy werewolf that followed us around this year.

So, there was a creepy pig-masked guy. He was grunting at Andrew trying to find out his name so we finally told him Bubbles. Why Bubbles he asked? Because he used to be a clown :) So in the next room, same guy come out of a door with a clown mask on and puts his face right in Andrew’s and is like “Bubbles?” lol It was fun. One of the actors, after I shouted at him that he wasn’t Hoyt like I thought he was, asked me for a hug (we were in the Sunland part). I have really cool pictures of Sunland up on Facebook.

I made mini pumpkin pies before everyone came over. They came out really good. I used the recipe off the can of pumpkin and poured it into muffin pans that had that premade biscuit dough smashed into the cups like a mini crust. I like individual things. It’s more fun to eat bites. I originally was going to do pumpkin pie empanadas, but the mini pies sounded easier.


Friday, October 24, 2008

Not a lot today

I don’t feel good. Our card at Bruegger’s is fun though. We get like a quart of coffee everyday now. Yesterday’s was great. Today’s was a bit weak. I think we put too much milk in though.

We are really behind on the bible reading. We need to do that tonight.

Lots of links today:

Thursday, October 23, 2008

8 days 'til Halloween!

Only 8 days left until Halloween! Andrew and I are "hostin" another pumpkin carving party thing which should be fun. We got a carving kit, and I haven't really looked through the designs yet, I'm sure we'll find a good one. If we can't find one from the kit, we just got a Bed, Bath & Beyond coupon with a cool jack-o-lantern on it. I'm going to spray the jack-o-lanterns we have now with some bleach tonight to see iof that helps preserve them a bit. They are already starting to shrivel.

I'm proud to say that all my plants are doing well and the spiders are actually sending out shoots! Andrew (such a sweetheart) saved a bunch of pepper seeds for me to plant. I'm going to milk jug them and maybe buy a pot at Walmart tomorrow when we get the pumpkins for everyone to carve.

This is one of the cutest things I've ever seen.


Monday, October 20, 2008

Mom & Dad came up

Mom & Dad came up this weekend. They brought the rocking chair and my wedding dress and some flowers. We ate at Andrew’s and the melting pot. We carved awesome pumpkins. Mom redid all my flowers. Dad fixed the sink and the door. A fun time was had by all :)

I’ll pick one or two of these to elaborate more on all week. I just don’t feel real good right now.


Friday, October 17, 2008

I got nuthin

Mom and Dad are coming up today. Yay! The house is almost clean. We have a few more things in each room, then we need to go food shopping real quick, but then we’ll be done :)

I don’t really have anything else. But check out my delicious links to find some fun. Etiquette Hell is a good (new) one.


Thursday, October 16, 2008

Project Runway, Season 5

Congratulations to Leann on winning season 5 of Project Runway. I can’t say that I was terribly impressed with any of the lines. Eh. Nothing like Christian or Jeffery or even Uli, Laura, Michael, or ( I firmly believe) what Chris would have shown (can you tell my favorite seasons? :) ). Leann made a pretty line, but it all was really colorless and repetitive. For as much as I liked what Karto did all season, I wasn’t impressed with her the last few shows and the finale wasn’t any better. Kenley’s was interesting, but it really looked like she did whatever she wanted with no plan in mind. It was all out there. Way out there. I don’t think I would wear any of the looks.

I’m upset that it might be moving to Lifetime. I’ll keep looking in the news though. I’ve heard that NBC might have won it back.

Links - not too many today:

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Ok, so I understand that the right menu is hard to read over the witch. Get over it, It'll get better after Halloween. I like the witch best so far.

So last night I saw a story about this woman, Rose, who had no legs. I liked it, but it wasn’t so much her in particular, but a few of the things she said. Like she said when people ask her if she ever wants to be normal, her response to that is that she is normal. This is normal. It’s all she’s ever known.

The best thing she said though was about being handicapped. She explained that her parents never used words like handicapped, disabled or different, and she didn’t associate herself with those terms. To her, “a handicapped person is someone who can’t. I can.” I absolutely love that. She figured out how to articulate what I feel. I remember asking once if having one hand made me handicapped (I was trying to get a handicapped sticker so I could be lazy and park close to stores though). The point is I had to ask.

I have never felt different or disabled. I think a lot of that has to do with how you are raised. My parents are wonderful. They did great. They never made me feel like I couldn’t do something. Neither did any of my friends. Sometimes my teachers would make me a bit uncomfortable, but usually not because they were babying me.

Once, I remember a teacher telling me (or writing in a letter) that I was their hero for all the things I could do. I still don’t understand why I am that special. I really don’t. That makes me uneasy. I remember another time in high school that I finally decided that I didn’t need a left hand and really never wanted one anyways. I had a teacher that would bug me to pray with him to grow an arm or something. I don’t even know. I just avoided him after that. I think that that was really arrogant to assume that I wanted to be his definition of “normal”. I’m happy with who I am.

Besides, if I suddenly had a left arm, I’d be retarded with it. That’s why you learn things as babies. If you fwing around and slam your new arm into a wall, you cry, your parents pick you up and kiss it to make it better, you calm down, and go on your merry way. If you slam your arm as an adult, you might break the new arm, have to go put it in a cast, scratch it until it’s an open wound so that it gets infected and they have to take it back. So you’re no better off than when you started, and why put yourself through that?

Links - not so many today:

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Happy Birthday LeeAnn

We did no cleaning last night. We did read the Bible though. We really can’t miss days in Job, its hard enough to get through as it is. Oh, we have printed out a “read-the-bible-in-a-year schedule. Andrew picked chronologically, so right after Noah, we went to Job.

Today is LeeAnn’s birthday! Happy Birthday LeeAnn!

A joke: Q: What’s brown and rhymes with Snoop? A: Dr. Dre


Monday, October 13, 2008

Kiss the Moose

Kiss the moose
I’ve had “Kiss the moose” stuck in my head all morning. This calls for a story.

At McGuire’s in Pensacola, there was this awesome guy who sings. If you do something wrong, or if he just feels like it, he breaks out into “kiss the moose” or “kiss the crotch” or “kiss the ass” and doesn’t stop until you do. The “regulars” are fun too because if you don’t know what he’s talking about, they’ll be more than happy to let you know (There is a moose head on the wall, a picture of a leprechaun [the crotch] and a picture of the Sistine chapel ceiling I think [the ass]). My favorite part was when Natasha picked up her glass and it shattered and the guy singing stopped cold, looked at her and was like, “We don’t break shit here” with such a serious face. Then he proceeded to sing “Kiss the moose”. He also at some point made Ryan kiss the moose. Ryan almost ripped it off the wall. Good times.

Andrew didn’t feel good, so we didn’t go to dance lessons yesterday. I’m not sure I want to go anymore. I kind of want to wait and start again next semester from the beginning.

The kitchen is almost clean. The stove is pristine. I’ll give it another scrub-down before Mom gets here though.

I feel better about buying a house now. The radio said we'd only need 5-10% down with good credit and proof of income. We have that.

Also, if anyone knows how exactly I would change a baby, please let me know. I asked Andrew how to change a baby and he was like "you pick up it's legs and wipe it's butt" and I was like I know that and I can't do both at the same time. So we asked Lauren and she said the same thing Andrew did. :-/


Funny picture links:

Wet dog
Vader and Juliet
The U.S. economy totally looks like...
McCain & Bush
Red Bull

Friday, October 10, 2008

Video games, pictures and houses

Not much of an update today. Andrew pretty much hammered out our eating out budget. By next year we might actually have 20% to put down on a house! :) But in February we’ll start talking to Kenley and see what he says to do.

Video games are relaxing. I was up late playing one of the Ratchet & Clanks. I beat it and when it started over, I decided that I’d watch all the cut scenes this time around. I must have played the game at least 20 times, and I always would skip the scenes. It’s not bad so far. I’m on like level 5 or so already.

Also, check out my Delicious page, the link is on the right menu -->
I keep adding new links to it every so often. I added a really cool one today (if you are a photoshop dork like me)

Fun pictures:

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Mom and Dad are coming up, gas is going down as is the temperature. We should be getting a pumpkin to carve soon (and maybe a little pumpkin carving party like last year, except with less passive aggressive overtones). We are going to go into super-clean-up-mode this week and next week to get the house ready for my parents.

Links galore

A house divided
National Debt Clock

Funny commercials:
Sven is awesome
Wassup? and oldie but a goodie.

Funny pictures:
The Simpsons
If Andrew and I were cats and my name was Bob...
Bottled or canned?
Basset hounds are cuties

Just funny:
!Bad word alert! Poor lip-reading

Just awesome:
Amazing singer thing

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Fire trucks and pictures

So last night was eventful. Just as Andrew and I were getting back from his office, some lady hit a guy on a bike as she was pulling into our complex successfully blocking the driveway. The guy was jumping around bleeding from his arm. So we turned around in another driveway and waited for the accident to clear out, when along came a fire truck. Oh no, we’ll never get home now, the fire truck is blocking the driveway too as well as all traffic in either direction. We thought they might clear it out a little bit, so we waited for a minute or two. Until the three other fire trucks showed up with 4 police cars and an ambulance (the ambulance being the last thing to arrive, go figure. I know where it parks, and it really should have been first.). So we went to Publix to kill time.

45 minutes later, we came home, but they still had the road blocked off. We told the cop that we lived down the road, but he made us turn around anyway (telling us to go the wrong direction no less) and he wasn’t very nice about it. So we drove around to Tharpe and tried to come down the street, and by that time I guess the jerk cop had gotten the all clear and had started letting people up the road. >(

There still was a fire truck parked outside of Lauren’s apartment until late. We walked down there just to make sure that everything was ok. We saw mean cop walking around the building with some guy and a flashlight. Nothing was on fire or in a panicked state, so we went back home.

Here are some links to funny pictures:

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Lycanthropes and nosferatus and apparitions, oh my!

There is not much to update on today. I think I'm going to have another go at trying to read Dracula this year. I read Frankenstein last year, but I never managed to finish Dracula. Next year maybe I might actually read Jeckle & Hyde or the Amityville Horror. Who knows. I also need to come up with some good Halloween movies to watch. Nightmare Before Christmas is good, but it's my only one.

Here is a link:

Who Should You Vote For? is an online "quiz" thing that you tell what you think of the issues and it tells you which nominee goes along with you. If you want to know what my score was, highlight from here > My Obama score was 99 and my McCain score was -39. < to here. If you don't want to know, don't look :)

Monday, October 6, 2008

Dancing in the parking lot

This weekend was wonderful :)

On Saturday, Andrew and I went out to Carabas with LeeAnn & Jim and Jamey & Danyel. A good time was had by all. They have good food there. I totally think the bridal Minnie Mouse ears are so cute! :) But, I digress…

On Sunday, Lauren invited us to go with her to FSU’s ballroom dancing club for lessons. It was so much fun! I just have to remember to not get so frustrated when I can’t do it right. We leaned the Mambo and the triple time swing. Well, I learned the mambo pretty well. I never did get the swing right. We got the basic steps, but as soon as I had to turn I lost it. We signed up for it and now we’re going to go back every week :) What happens is the men and the women line up on different ends of the Oglesby ballrooms and the instructors are in the center of the room. They show you how to do it and you practice by yourself. Then you find a partner and circle around the room and every so often you switch partners. By the end of the class though, me and Andrew just stayed together. It’s good exercise too. I just need to wear different shoes so my feet don’t hurt at the end of the night.

When we got home, Andrew and I danced in the parking lot.

And here are some funny pictures:

Learn Spanish
The best hiding place
Giddy up!
Pooh Bear
What are you?!
Are we there yet?
ADD dog
King of the jungle
Football Names
Amy Winehouse

Friday, October 3, 2008

Gardening and Halloween

This weekend I plan on decorating the house for Halloween since it is October and I’m allowed to now. I also plan on watching Nightmare Before Christmas. Awesome movie. I also plan on making my #2 pair of jeans longer. The only reason they are my #2 pair is that they are too short. It makes me a little uncomfortable. But they are clean and that’s what counts.

Yesterday I wasn’t feeling so well and neither was Andrew, but I came home early and we went to the store. I bought some “dried milk” and we tried it in our cereal this morning. I had a sip before it hit the cereal so I’d know if it was going to be nasty. I actually liked it! It was a bit sweeter than regular old skim milk. It separated back again really fast though. I think it works well with Fruity Pebbles (they were on sale, and all they really are is shaved Fruit Loops).

I added some more links to my delicious page. You can check them out from the menu on the right. You just might have to scroll a little to get the pumpkin out of the way.

When Andrew & I get a house, I’m going to have a garden with vegetables in it. I want to grow squash and tomatoes. One of my new links is to I know, I know, it’s a UF site, but I heard about it on the radio this morning and it has a chart that tells me when to plant what. Score! The spider plants are doing really well. One of them has something eating it, there are little holes in it’s leaves. But one of the others is shooting a thing out. I think they might be cramped in their box though. There are 6 plants (5 of them are spiders) in a wire bin that is supposed to be used for incoming files on a desk in an office. I didn’t figure they’d all live. I also was thinking about trying to grow a strawberry plant in a milk jug.

I love weekend projects that I never end up doing :)

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Amazing Grace & Gilligan's Island

Did you ever try to sing the words from Amazing Grace to the tune of Gilligan’s Island?

Lauren told us that if you want to get a song that’s stuck in your head out, then all you need to do is sing the Amazing Grace lyrics to the theme from Gilligan’s Island. Her thing was that you are concentrating so hard on that that the other song dissipates. Yeah, well, baloney. I have that stuck in my head now. We tried it with Lauren, and it was kind of challenging the first time, but now that I’ve heard it, it’s almost as easy as Happy Birthday. Although, I think most of the concentrating the first time was figuring out how Gilligan’s Island went.

I'm a BravoTV junkie

I was watching Top Design on Bravo last night and I noticed something unusual. As the judges were talking, they were using big, complicated words. I didn’t really understand the guy at all. I couldn’t even tell from the context. “That’s so (insert big word). I mean, it’s like (insert a different big word).” I didn’t even know if he liked anything! And I thought TV catered to the lowest forms of intelligence.

Speaking of great TV, Project Runway was on too. We got home just as it was going off, so I made Andrew change the channel so I wouldn’t know the ending before I saw the beginning. So, sitting through the last 5 minutes of Mr. and Mrs. Smith and watching the ending credits roll, I switched back to Bravo just in time to see Kenley crying. I quickly switched back and made a mental note to fix the VCR clock to the right time. “Crap.” I thought. “They are sending Kenley home. I liked her.”

So I sat through Top Design until the encore showing of Project Runway. It was an ok one I thought. The clothes weren’t as nice as they had been all season, especially Jarel’s. OMG I thought the dress was going to fall off of the model! So, he won, but no one lost. Surprise! They all get to make collections and then next week, they’ll pick the three to go to Bryant Park. They did a similar thing last season with Ramey and Chris. I liked Chris. He was my 2nd favorite. This season I like Kenley, but not just because she’s from Pompano. I like Leann and Jarel, but they are not my favorites. I think Kato should win. I think she’s the best. Kenley makes 50’s style clothes, Jarel makes shiny brown clothes, Leann makes sculptured embellishments, and Kato makes pretty yellow things.