Monday, October 13, 2008

Kiss the Moose

Kiss the moose
I’ve had “Kiss the moose” stuck in my head all morning. This calls for a story.

At McGuire’s in Pensacola, there was this awesome guy who sings. If you do something wrong, or if he just feels like it, he breaks out into “kiss the moose” or “kiss the crotch” or “kiss the ass” and doesn’t stop until you do. The “regulars” are fun too because if you don’t know what he’s talking about, they’ll be more than happy to let you know (There is a moose head on the wall, a picture of a leprechaun [the crotch] and a picture of the Sistine chapel ceiling I think [the ass]). My favorite part was when Natasha picked up her glass and it shattered and the guy singing stopped cold, looked at her and was like, “We don’t break shit here” with such a serious face. Then he proceeded to sing “Kiss the moose”. He also at some point made Ryan kiss the moose. Ryan almost ripped it off the wall. Good times.

Andrew didn’t feel good, so we didn’t go to dance lessons yesterday. I’m not sure I want to go anymore. I kind of want to wait and start again next semester from the beginning.

The kitchen is almost clean. The stove is pristine. I’ll give it another scrub-down before Mom gets here though.

I feel better about buying a house now. The radio said we'd only need 5-10% down with good credit and proof of income. We have that.

Also, if anyone knows how exactly I would change a baby, please let me know. I asked Andrew how to change a baby and he was like "you pick up it's legs and wipe it's butt" and I was like I know that and I can't do both at the same time. So we asked Lauren and she said the same thing Andrew did. :-/


Funny picture links:

Wet dog
Vader and Juliet
The U.S. economy totally looks like...
McCain & Bush
Red Bull

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