Thursday, October 30, 2008

Rodizios and last night's tv

Andrew and I went to Rodizios last night for dinner. It was really good. They had this one cut of meat that quite literally melted in your mouth. It was awesome. Andrew liked it a lot. He said he liked it better than the Melting Pot, but I disagree. I like other things than just meat. If we go back again, I think I will keep my “salad bar” plate throughout the meal.

Funny but sad story: when we got home I flipped on the TV and the Obammercial was on. Like the very last two minutes or so. He was wrapping it up and I was like, that looks like he is in the Bank Atlantic center! So I called Dad and he confirmed. It’s sad that I can recognize the Panther stadium in like 2 seconds.

I also watched the Daily Show interview with Obama. I thought it was good. He answered questions without just restating the question in the form of a sentence. You betcha. I also saw the Colbert Report, and it was the first time that The Word was a fail. It really wasn’t that funny. But on a not political note, congrats Phillies. It would have been nice for the Rays to win, but, eh, neither team is the Marlins so I really don’t care. Also, Eddie got sent home on Top Design. I was scared for Nathan. I really want him to win. I heart Nathan. I like Ondine too. Preston, not so much. Eddie was starting to get on my nerves, but the judges were right. Nathan’s house would totally be more interesting.


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