Monday, October 27, 2008

Pumpkin carving weekend

This weekend was great. I feel better (although Andrew’s ear is broken) and the pumpkin carving day was fun.

We bought 4 pumpkins for everyone to carve. The guy at the pumpkin patch apparently couldn’t compare pumpkin sizes well or add at all. Lauren and Paige brought their own pumpkins and Ryan and Justin never showed, so we had plenty of pumpkins. They all came out really good. I’ll post pictures later. Peter picked out all the pumpkin seeds so we toasted more. We ate dinner at Sonny’s. After, we went with Hoyt and Lauren to the Terror of Tallahassee. It was so much fun. The actors creep me out. I love it. There was no creepy werewolf that followed us around this year.

So, there was a creepy pig-masked guy. He was grunting at Andrew trying to find out his name so we finally told him Bubbles. Why Bubbles he asked? Because he used to be a clown :) So in the next room, same guy come out of a door with a clown mask on and puts his face right in Andrew’s and is like “Bubbles?” lol It was fun. One of the actors, after I shouted at him that he wasn’t Hoyt like I thought he was, asked me for a hug (we were in the Sunland part). I have really cool pictures of Sunland up on Facebook.

I made mini pumpkin pies before everyone came over. They came out really good. I used the recipe off the can of pumpkin and poured it into muffin pans that had that premade biscuit dough smashed into the cups like a mini crust. I like individual things. It’s more fun to eat bites. I originally was going to do pumpkin pie empanadas, but the mini pies sounded easier.


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