Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Xmas!

I'll post something better when I have some time. But until then...Merry Xmas! I hope it was as good for you all as it was for us!


Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Xmas Eve!

Happy Xmas Eve! I’m so excited!

Last night almost all the Watkins’ got together for dinner at Morallia’s (sp?). Man did that waiter work! 20+ people and he was all by himself. But I don’t think he got any orders wrong. It was nice to talk to Carly and Aunt Shelly. It was nice to see everyone else too; we were just sitting next to them. At the end of the table. Near the wall. lol

Tonight is dinner with “the in-laws” and presents I think. I’m making Andrew wait until Xmas morning to open his from me. I don’t really know what’s going on though with stockings and such on Xmas. I guess it really doesn’t matter :)

I had to go get a blood test today. So I figured it might be busy. I forgot it was Xmas Eve. It took like 15 minutes. I got there at 6:30 and was walking slowly to the car since I don’t know where my office keys are. The lady was wonderful. He roped off my arm and patted and patted and patted. I told her that you can at least see the vein on top of my hand. So she flipped my hand and was like “Woah, that’s much different from your arm. I’ll make a note of that.” She hit it the very first time. Yay! And luckily the office was open. I think someone forgot to lock it last night though because I did a walkthrough and didn’t see anyone. I have a Dr. appointment later this morning too. I have a big ol’ band-aid on my hand though because she didn’t want the cotton ball normal thing to come off.

Woohoo! It’s Xmas Eve! At 7:45am, Santa is in Khabarovsk, Russia *<]:{D}}}

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Almost Xmas

It's been a long time since I updated this. It's just been really busy at work. Yesterday we exchanged Xmas presents (mostly) and had brownies for John's birthday. LeeAnn gave me a bracelet she made (so pretty!) and she gave Jennifer the pretiest hat and scarf. Jen got us all a yum-o candy and a lottery ticket. We didn't know how it worked, so Andrew called someone to ask. I think it was Laura. I thought that they called you or something if you won. Everyone seemed to like the cocoa cups. But that's a good long story...

So we bought mugs, cocoa packets, marshmallows, and candycanes for the "cup of cocoa" presents. I wanted it to look like I put more work into it than just shoving two cocoa packets into a cup, so I transfered the powder into little baggies I made from celophane (sp?). I kinda made a mess. The mallows went easier into the baggies. (Making the bags involved lining one of our funnels with celophane, dumping the contents into the funnel, and twist-tying it shut.) The fun part was getting the cinnamon incorporated. I wanted to give everyone a complete cup of cocoa. Cinnamon included. So I read somewhere on the internet that you could put stuff in styraws and then seal them up with a flame. Awesome! That's perfect! I tried with terrible results. As I was hunched over the candle with the straw melting and not sealing the way it looked online, Andrew says from the kitchen, "You know that makes poisonous gas?" No. :( He said it would be fine though. So I made the packets in the straws and made a big mess of melted plastic. Woo! But everyone seemed to enjoy the cocoa. Yay!

I managed to finish the craft project last night that was the very first thing we bought this year for Xmas. Sheesh! All's we need is glue and it will be ready to go! If the glue dries in time. :/ Can you staple wood with a regular stapler?

Addy turned 2 on Sunday. It was a fun party! Nicole went all out on the milkshake theme. The cards, the cake, the food. It was pretty awesome :) I'm glad Addy liked our present. I hope she likes her Xmas present! It's not as soft. I think this might be the first present that isn't a stuffed thing. (Don't tell her Nicole!)

I'm impressed with myself. I think I have Andrew stumped with a present that I bought him. Yes! He gave me ideas, but I think hwe gave me too many because he doesn't know wat I got. Hahaha! If he guesses it though I'll kick him in the knee. It's obvious from the shape what it is, but he doesn't know exactly what!

On the radio:
After listing a bunch of things that you can get on the internet, this came on "Living next door to the Wicked Witch of the West? Move! Duh! Then get your change-of-address forms from" lol

Speaking of the Wicked Witch, the Wizard of Oz was on recently. I really love that movie. It's on the list of "movies that I like but knowing my usual taste in movies, I shouldn't like it". Like Homeward Bound. Or Down With Love.

Bluebery crack is wonderful.


Friday, December 19, 2008

Doctors and Tallahassee

So this time the doctor was much less traumatic. I got a referral to go consult with a surgeon, and the referral lady made the appointment for Xmas eve. I was like “seriously?”. She hadn’t realized it was Xmas eve though. Whatever. So she was trying to tell me where the doctor is, and she’s like “near the manatees” and I was like “what?” and she was all “if you go see the manatees and look confused like you do now, someone will come help you. There are elevators somewhere.” Thanks. That’s helpful. My boss told me where I’m going this morning. I think his wife works there. Apparently it’s a fountain. Like the dolphin statue fountain thing downtown.

I love Tallahassee. Downtown is so pretty, especially now that it’s Xmas. They put lights in the trees and it’s just so pretty. I love it here. I like to walk downtown. We usually go when there are craptons of people though. It’s nice to walk during the day when it’s cool outside. It’s really pretty in spring too when all the parks are blooming. But I seriously need to go to the top of the capitol building. I’ve never been. I want to see Tallahassee from above. Maybe we’ll go sometime. I’ll have to find out if it is open on Saturdays. I know the old capitol is, but I don’t know about the observation deck.


Did you know that Guitar Guy's son is the lead guitarist for Avenged Sevenfold?

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Optical illusions

This is silly:
Santa's main distribution center is a sight to behold. At 4,000,000 square feet (370,000 m2), it's one of the world's largest facilities. A real-time warehouse management system is of course required to run such a complex. The facility makes extensive use of task interleaving, literally combining dozens of DC activities (putaway, replenishing, order picking, sleigh loading, cycle counting) in a dynamic queue...the DC elves have been on engineered standards and incentives for three years, leading to a 12% gain in productivity...The WMS and transportation system are fully integrated, allowing (the elves) to make optimal decisions that balance transportation and order picking and other DC costs. Unbeknownst to many, Santa actually has to use many sleighs and fake Santa drivers to get the job done Christmas Eve, and the Transportation management system optimally builds thousands of consolidated sacks that maximize cube utilization and minimize total air miles.
Thank you Wikipedia.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve wanted to do this to the car in front of me. Also it irks me when the car in front of me at a light doesn’t pull up to the line.

This gif says that if you see the person spinning clockwise, then you are right brained and if counterclockwise, then you are left brained, but you can make it spin the other way. It seriously took like 10 minutes of staring at the shadow and repeating the direction she was going to get it to switch. I think everyone sees it clockwise first.

This video is too cool. It’s proving that you can’t see a face inside-out.

I hate the little red “x” boxes for pictures that can’t be seen. This makes me hate them a little less. lol


Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Busy busy busy

So yesterday was crazy busy at work. From at least 10 until 4:45 or so, there was back to back stuff to do. The only breaks I took was to change the YouTube song from one Muppet Christmas Carol song to another. A big Commission thing came in that took precedence over everything else, so that got done before lunch, but not much else did. I got to eat with Kelly today. It was fun. I like Kelly. She gave me my Consultis Xmas gift. It is a book just like Andrew wanted. Sheesh. She also gave me some yummy candy. lol

After lunch was a barrage of requests from marine fisheries. When they get going making changes, there really isn’t anything to stop them! j/k. I heart Gus. I accidentally made an entire page of edits from the wrong reference. I was completely done before I realized. Oh man, that was totally a wasted hour. Law stuff cam in as did Birding trail stuff. Lots and lots and lots of stuff today. And I have to do it all twice because of the redesign. I love working at FWC. :) It makes me happy.

Apparently, the La Fiesta on the Parkway is having some trouble. Well it’s just nice that they have activities for roaches; most restaurants aren’t that thoughtful.


Critical. Observed potentially hazardous food cheese cold held at greater than 41 degrees Fahrenheit since 10:30 AM discard leftovers at 2:30 PM.


Critical. Cold holding equipment incapable of maintaining potentially hazardous food at proper temperatures. Cooks line prep table. Service unit.


Critical. Observed uncovered food bag of sugar in holding unit/dry storage area.


Critical. Observed uncovered food in freezer.


Critical. Observed improper use of bowl/plastic food container or other container with no handle used to dispense food sugar that is not ready-to-eat.


In-use utensil for nonpotentially hazardous food ice not stored in a clean, protected location.


Critical. No handwashing sign provided at a handsink in wai6 station used by food employees.


Critical. Hand wash sink in wait station lacking proper hand drying provisions.


Critical. Observed roach activity as evidenced by 25 live roaches found under dishwasher.


Critical. Observed roach activity as evidenced by 20 live roaches found under meat grinder.


Critical. Observed roach activity as evidenced by 4 live roaches found on walls in meat room.


Critical. Observed unlabeled spray bottle.


Critical. Hood suppression system tag out-of-date. For reporting purposes only.


Critical. Observed extension cord in use for non-temporary period. For reporting purposes only.


Critical. No currently certified food service manager on duty with four or more employees engaged in food preparation.

This is the creepiest Santa I’ve ever seen. The caption under the picture was “I can’t believe my Mom gave me to him”. This cartoon is funny.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Le bored

We went out to dinner and Ryan came over last night. It was a nice departure from chicken wings. Le sigh...back to the wings tonight though.

I really have nothing to report on. I feel bad.


Monday, December 15, 2008


Redneck 12 Days of Xmas. <- after much upload trouble, here it is.
Kittens running up a slide. This is too cute.
For a bit of Xmas music. They’ve been playing it since at least Thanksgiving.
An awesome potato song.
The feast is mine!

We had fun playing frisbee golf with Hoyt and Carrie this weekend. We also had everyone come over for dinner so Andrew could play with his deep fryer. I like it when the family is over. Addy only made me nervous once when she threw the panda, but she was very very good! We played Apples to Apples and Balderdash. It was only until Addy had her meltdown that folks decided that maybe it was time to go home. :)

We got all of out Xmas shopping done. Now all we need are a few more things for stockings and for me to get my craft act together.

December budget? What December budget?

Thursday, December 11, 2008

I'm on an animation kick

My leg was itchy last night so, being without nails, I used a hairclip to scratch. This morning Andrew said my leg looks like it has tetanus. I have no idea what that means. It hurts when my pants touch it. I won’t scratch with a hairclip anymore.

So this morning on the way to work, Andrew did something that made me angry and I told him to shut up. In the time that it took for us to drive from Tharpe to Tennessee down High, I completely forgot why I was mad, I just remembered that I was mad. At the light Andrew apologized and I told him I forgot why I was mad. He said something along the lines of “that’s one of the perks of being married to someone with short term memory problems”. I love Andrew.

Fun animations

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Today calls for two posts

A ridiculous site. I love it. I think my favorite is the petting zoo. Be sure to check out the source code too. Bears love source code lol

This site is even more ridiculous. It is 10 reasons why dating a unicorn would rule.

And if you thought the last one was the worst, click here. Why dating a T-Rex is a no-no.

Or here and see if your cat is trying to kill you.

Or here for reasons to grow an awesome beard.

This is bizarre.

This is random.

This is absolutely hysterical! So is this.

Just mowin’ the lawn.

Sometimes I feel like this on the inside. I never feel this bad, but totally understand how someone could. And this is why.

So, since I’m a nerd, this I can identify with, but I don’t know about anyone else who reads this. Also, as sad as this sounds, this would be impressive.

Mele Kalikimaka!

Usually I think Jimmy Buffet is excruciatingly annoying. But this is fun to say and I can identify with it more than White Christmas.

This is pretty cool. This guy drew the Mona Lisa as she would be drawn by other artists. Some of them are brilliant :)

Want to waste time? Visit this site. You are supposed to click on the picture you think is the cutest :)

This is one of the stupidest things I’ve ever seen. The internet is wonderful. is fantastic. I think you can actually go brain dead for a while. I like the dandelion.

I just hear this on the radio. “…There are lots of teenagers in foster care that would love to push your food around on their plate. Call 555-5555…” Is that kind of a weird thing to pitch or is it just me?

My arm is killing me. I thought it was from the Frisbee, but it still hurts so I’m thinkin’ it’s something else. To change the subject abruptly in mid-paragraph, I’ve been using a desk lamp at work to keep warm. It works really well actually. You just can’t touch it or it’ll burn you. Change! I like Xmas music. Change! Andrew called at work this morning and I picked up the phone, but it kept ringing. It was totally weird.


Monday, December 8, 2008

Busy weekend

This weekend was wonderful. Andrew played poker with his family, I got our house decorated, we played Frisbee golf with Nicole, Robert & Addy, watched the Xmas parade thing, went to Market Days, made fondue, watched a movie and played a game that Lauren gave us for Xmas.

Friday night Andrew went to play poker with his family at Grandpa’s place. That gave me time to decorate the house without whining :). I managed to get everything out this year that wasn’t broken. I was going to wait for Andrew to help me put up the tree because I didn’t remember how to do it, but when I got it out to look, it was easy. The hardest part was finding the lights plug for the middle section that I forgot to plug in. I love our Xmas tree. The snowbabies are perched perilously on the china cabinet. But the display is impressive I think. :)

We woke up later that we were planning to to go to play at the park. Robert is too good at Frisbee golf. It was fun. Addy came and was cute. Nicole played some too. That night we went to the Winter Festival thing downtown with the family. It was fun. Andrew had to work until after it started, so we decided to skip the headache and just park at FSU and walk from there. Let me tell you, that is a haul. We walked through the lights on Park and Addy got her face painted by Daisy the Clown (aka Lauren). Andrew got some food and I got a corndog. We watched the top half of the parade since we were so far back. We saw Lauren on stilts. Woohoo!

Sunday was Market Days. We wandered around all the booths and bought some stuff. We got a crapload of scrubbies. These should last all year. We wore the one we have completely out. It was so worn out it was soft. :) We got some Xmas presents and a birthday present. Andrew also got some dip stuff. It was totally fun. Addy managed to pour an entire bottle of water on herself, so they bought her a new shirt to wear. She was out cold before we left.

The plan was to cook dinner for Lauren & Paige and then take them to see the TCC production of A Christmas Carol. Well, we did the dinner part. Andrew made cheese fondue. It was wonderful. Better than last time. We also had chocolate fondue for dessert. We piled into the car and made it to TCC, but it was strangely deserted. Whoops! No play tonight! Saturday must have been the last day. It was a nice ride though. ;) Instead we watched A Muppet Christmas Carol. Only the best Xmas movie ever. Lauren gave us presents. I got a game that is totally the Calvinball of board games. It was so much fun to play! Andrew got a deep fryer. He was so excited about it. Thanks Lauren! We love you!

We are going to start the shopping tonight for what else we need. I like my secret stocking person. They are easy to buy for :)

I’m not the only nerd
You know how they find images of Jesus in toasted cheese sandwiches?
Cream filling!
Flamingos v gnomes
Ew! Dog germs!
If Chuck Norris was a dog…

The Winter Parade thing
Xmas decorations!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Micro-sleep and dreams

So I had a weird dream last night. Andrew and I went to go see the Nutcracker in my mind’s rendition of Ruby Diamond, except it was kind of like High School Musical (I think, I’ve never seen it). It was very upbeat and modern with no ballet. Towards the end, three of the performers zipped up cables to the upper deck and danced a little on a platform. They then jumped off and flew around on the cables a little (like Tinker Bell did). Then three ballet dancers (now it was a ballet) came and acrobatically hooked things that were attached to their feet to the top of the cables the other people were hanging on. They all zipped down head first except the one closest to where we were sitting. Her thing didn’t hook right and she fell head first into the seats below (but lucky for her they were a whole lot closer than in real life). The manager, or whatever he was, was standing right in the aisle and was quick to shout at everyone to calm down and not to panic. I looked over the edge and the lady was in a pile, but she didn’t look broken or bloody or anything. The manager ushered everyone in the lower bowl out and the folks at the top filed out too. When we were outside, the ballerina came out with her arm in a sling and head bandaged up and everyone clapped. They were about to let us back in, but then our alarm went off and I woke up.

In between that dream and when I got up, I had another dream, kinda. Andrew was like, “Get up, are you gonna take a shower?” And I was all “:( I don’t want to get up.” Then like 2 seconds later Andrew was like “Get up, are you gonna take a shower?” And I was all “WTF? Didn’t we just do this?” The second one was really Andrew waking me up. The first one was a dream.

I need to get up earlier. Did you ever have one of those moments in the car where you were driving along la de da and then you were stopped at a light or on a road and don’t really remember the trip to that point? I had one of those this morning from about Gaines to Magnolia. No idea. I know how I got there, I just can’t recall any of the details; what car was in front of me, how many cars there were, etc. I’m afraid that it might be “micro sleep”. I sincerely hope not.

Wikipedia says:
“People who experience microsleeps usually remain unaware of them, instead believing themselves to have been awake the whole time, or feeling a sensation of 'spacing out'. One example is called "gap driving". From the perspective of the driver, he or she was driving a car, and then suddenly realizes that several seconds have passed by unnoticed. It is not obvious to the driver that he was asleep during those missing seconds, although this is in fact what happened.”

Links - there are movies and pictures peppered together, but everything is work safe:

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Doctors and links

When the doctor pokes an infection with a stick, it hurts a lot.

Blonde jokes
Hot dog
Muppet dress
Clown party

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Futurama rocks

Did everything just taste purple for a second?


Kittens give Morbo gas.


Nibbler: "It's a genetic abnormality which resulted when you went back in time and performed certain actions which made you your own grandfather."
Fry: "I did do the nasty in the pasty!"
Nibbler: "Verily. And that past nastification is what shields you from the brains. You are the last hope of the universe."
Fry: "So, I really am important? How I feel when I'm drunk is correct?"
Nibbler: "Yes. Except the Dave Matthews Band doesn't rock."


Fry: "Hey, Professor, what are you teaching this semester?"
Farnsworth: "Same thing I teach every semester. The mathematics of quantum neutrino fields. I made up the title so that no student would dare take it."
Fry: "Mathematics of wanton burrito meals. I'll be there!"
Farnsworth: "Please, Fry! I don't know how to teach. I'm a professor!"


Lurr: "Blech! These candies are chalky and unpleasant!"
Wife: "And what is this emotion you humans call 'wuv'?"
Lurr: "Surely it says 'love'."
Wife: "No, 'wuv'! With an Earth 'w'. Behold!"
Lurr: "This concept of 'wuv' confuses and infuriates us!"


You watched it! You can't unwatch it!



Learn to fly

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Thanksgiving pictures! I captioned all of them.

I got in the car this morning and I think the thermometer finally broke. I picked it up and it said 2ºC. I hit a button to see if it would switch back to Fahrenheit, when all of a sudden it let out a tone and wouldn’t turn off. The screen however disappeared. I think it is still toning.

If anyone knows someone who is a size 10, I think I have some clothes for them.


Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving weekend

I had such a good time this weekend! The drive down was long due to Ocala traffic, but otherwise uneventful. Fall is so pretty. The whole way down is lined with trees that change colors (all except the lower turnpike, then it’s gator infested canals :)).

Mom made delicious food and Dad fried a turkey. My mini-pumpkin-pies didn’t come out as good as I’d have liked, but they seemed to be eaten up nonetheless. The house was all pretty too. I took pictures and they should be up tomorrow. Uncle Louis, Aunt Chris and Vin and Mike came to TDay dinner. USil and Vin played some sax. Vincent is really really good. They played some Xmas songs.

Mom & Dad have a duck problem. Dad says he chases them off with the hose, but he went running after one to get it away from the yard. It was funny. He wouldn’t do it again for the camera though.

The trip home was terrible. It took 10 ½ hours when it should have only taken 7. We hit the front coming down. There was one point that it got so windy that Andrew said it was throwing the truck around. I’d estimate that if it was doing that to the truck that we had at least TS force winds. I think it was a little tornado, but that’s only because I watch Tornado Chasers too much. There were backups all along the turnpike, the 75-Turnpike interchange, Ocala, and Gainesville. Bu I-10 was clear. It was heavy traffic, but no slowdowns. I’ve only ever seen it worse once. I gave up that time and stayed with Keren.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Microwave meatloaf

The OIT Thanksgiving Luncheon yesterday was fun. I got to talk to Rita and Kevin and Glen. :) I brought cranberry sauce. I also managed to dip my hair in the cranberry aftermath. It was a big sticky mess. Gini was awesome and put the messy dish into her bag so I’d stop getting it all over everything. I heart Gini.

Andrew is the best husband ever. He did a load of dishes before he left for work yesterday. When I got home I did the rest (with his wonderful help). We had thawed some hamburger that we needed to cook, and I didn’t want to dirty more dishes, so I googled "microwave ground beef" and found a recipe for meatloaf in the microwave. Somehow though, I got it in my head that meatloaf goes in the oven and I started to mix it in a not microwaveable dish. Crap, that’s one dirty dish that was unnecessary. Then I transferred it to a bowl to put in the microwave. Dirty dish #2. Well, the recipe called for shredded cheddar cheese which we didn’t have, so I took 2 slices of American singles and tore them up. During the microwaving process, all the cheese came to a boil and leaked over the edge of the bowl and burned itself to the microwave plate. Dirty dish #3. I wasn’t sure if it was done after I cooked it for the recommended time, so I flipped it out of the bowl onto a plate. Dirty dish #4. Cut it with a knife, used a fork to eat it and got a glass to drink from. Dirty dishes #5, 6 & 7. All in all, it would have been less to wash if I would just have ovened it in the first dish. It tasted good though. It even had a crunchy crust. I’m not sure if it was just the cheese that eeked out and burned though. I was so excited about the microwave meatloaf that I completely forgot to make anything else, including the asparagus that we eventually threw out this morning. It was the epitome of low-carb meals; a big domed lump of meat.
  • 1 lb of hamburger
  • ¼ cup breadcrumbs
  • ¼ cup milk (I used water)
  • 2 tbsp ketchup
  • 2 tbsp soy sauce
  • 2 tsp dry onion soup mix (I used 2 tsp powdered mashed potatoes and some garlic powder)
  • 1 egg
  • ¼ cup shredded cheddar cheese (I used Kraft Singles)
Mix everything into a ball and microwave covered with wax paper for 10 minutes. Let stand 10 minutes before serving. I suggest putting it on a paper plate so you don’t burn it to your microwave like I did.


Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Tonight is going to be busy! I have to go to the store on my way home to pick up some paint, wash all the dishes, pack for this weekend, finish Addy’s invitation, finish Dad’s business cards, pick Andrew up, eat dinner… Ack! But that’s what I have to do. What I want to do is go home finish the cards and play Ratchet & Clank. Alas, no ps2 for me today though.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Tailgates and cards

I hate pick up trucks that are missing their tailgate. I feel like they are mooning me.

This weekend we went to Bradley’s Country Fair. It was a ton of fun. So many arts and craft! Addy and her daddy made it into the newspaper too! It was worth walking through fields of poo to get to. You’d think that if you were having a big-to-do that you’d at least drag the cow pasture before you let tons of people stomp through it. We carried some home on our tires. Ew.

So this morning when we were getting coffee, the lady in line in front of us turned to me and grabbed my scarf. She oohed and awed over it and proceeded to tell me that she could only make children’s hats because she was so new at knitting. Everyone thinks that I knitted or crocheted it. I’m like, “no way, my uncle made it”. USil (I’m calling him that now because it’s how he signs his emails) needs business cards that I can hand out to people. Oh ooh! With that picture with him in the top hat and all the scarves!

Speaking of business cards, I made one up for Dad for Santa. I made a lot and am tired of looking at so much red & green. I think I might have made them too festive though. I’ll find out soon enough though when he gats back to me about what he likes/dislikes about them. I also worked on Addy’s invite this weekend. I showed Nicole the milkshake and she loved it. I created another version (sans the text) last night after dinner (but before the InDesign lesson I gave to Lauren’s dad. I don’t think I was too helpful though). It has a big “2” peeking out from behind the milkshake and is a folding card. It’s cute, but it needs a bit more work. I should have stuff for Nicole tonight or tomorrow.

Friday, November 21, 2008


I'll post sometime this weekend, but for now check out the Trans-Siberian Orchestra pictures. Click on the slideshow to see 'em bigger.

Wal-Mart's a trip. I only checked the picture cd box and even specifically wrote on the film bag that I did not want prints, just the cd. So I go pick it up today, and there is a pile of prints. The guy at the counter even remembered (from two days ago, props to him!) that I only wanted the cd. He told me I could refuse the prints, so I handed the bag back to him after I took out the cd. He looked shocked that I actually would refuse prints. The pictures needed a lot of work before I would even consider printing anything out. I don't even remember the last time I printed anything.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

The radio is boring

The radio was so bad this morning that I actually forgot I was listening to it, thought, "Hey, this is boring" and went to go turn the radio on. Am I going to have to wait until February for the radio to stop reporting exclusively on Obama?

I should get the pictures from TSO back on Friday so I’ll post them as soon as I get them. I'm also working on the Xmas blog decoration. I have a few things in mind involving Santa, lights or wrapping paper.

This weekend will also be dedicated to producing at least a few invitation ideas for Addy's birthday for Nicole. :)

Pictures, now conveniently in columns!
Deadly sin
Level 68
Ball is getting bigger
I can’t resist a Chuck Norris

The Gospel according to Ringo
Space Sharks
Unnecessary request
No how!
Pumpkin carving
The consequences of gay marriage
For Andrew

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


If people were meant to live in the cold, we would look like yaks.

I hope my plants don't die. I left them outside last night (mid-20's! Yikes!).

Pictures of the cold

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Trans-Siberian Orchestra

Trans-Siberian Orchestra was awesome. It was like an amazing laser light show with rockin’ music. I left my camera at home, but Lauren bought a disposable film camera. I’m going to try and get it developed today. I’ll post the pictures as soon as I get ‘em.

There was like a little Xmas narration for the first half of the show. Andrew and I joked that it sounded like the guy was given rufees. See, he said that he was in a bar drinking when a guy came over to him and had him drink something he pulled from his coat. The narrator then proceeded to go on a “trip” with an angle that was in search for the true Xmas spirit.

They played Carol of the Bells (twice) and sang and it was wonderful. The second half was mostly classical music (as opposed to Christmas music). They played In the Hall of the Mountain King and the Flight of the Bumblebee. There was one chick with an electric (pink) violin who looked like she was doing acrobatics while she was playing. She’d bend over backwards and stuff. They all were rocking out with the metal hair and the “backup” singers all were kind of head banging. They’d stomp and whip their heads from side to side. The one lead guitarist had a Garth haircut. Party on Wayne. One more great thing about it was that all the performers were wearing tails. The women even had them, although they were incorporated into their dresses. In between the 1st and 2nd halves, Garth came out wearing a #16 Jersey. Then he got it stuck on his head.

There were lots of pyrotechnics too. We had good seats, but nothing like front row or anything, but at one point, we felt the heat from the fire on stage. It must have been crazy hot. Sometimes it was hard to look at the stage because they were blasting the lights so bright. The lights followed the music and behind them, pointed directly at the audience, were what looked like stadium lights. And they used them liberally.

In the very beginning, the two lead guitarists and I think it was the 1st chair violinist descended from the ceiling on lit platforms while they were playing. Pretty cool. There was a mini stage by us, and one of the singers was doing a pop-opera song. Not like the pop genre, but you know how in some opera songs the singers yelp random notes? Well it was like that. Then she skipped back to the stage while continuing to yelp notes. Like Lauren would do if Lauren yelped. :) At the end, Garth and the lead violinist ran down to the mini stage and they raised it up with them playing on it. Pretty cool.

There was a wicked awesome drum solo too. They guy played for so long! It was awesome. He was going so fast, it was hard to hear how many times he hit the drums. He was also faster than the strobe light. Awesome. Speaking of strobe lights, now we are all 100% certaing that none of us has any form of epilepsy. It was 2 ½ hours of blinking strobe. But it was awesome.

I’m sure I’ll post more about this. It really was flippin’ sweet!

Monday, November 17, 2008


We went to the fair on Sunday. It was a lot of fun. The petting zoo was the best part. They had a baby Scottish Highlander. He was a cutie. He had tiny little horns that you could barely see through the shag. I wanted to hug it. You couldn’t see his eyes though. I was trying to see them, but he kept looking right at me preventing me from seeing them. I shouldn’t have fed him first. But it was worth it. He was like a sheepdog cow. So adorable!

There were lots of goats and rabbits and chickens, but there was a cute baby zebra and a joey as well as baby alpacas and chicks. The alpacas felt like a 4 inch thick fleece jacket. Almost as soft as the bunny we got to pet.

There were pigs too. Not the pettin’ kind, but the huge prize winnin’ kind. Seriously huge. Like the size of my desk at work huge. Or our couch huge. One was a baby, I guess, and he was itchy. It was cute to watch him scratch.

Tonight we are going to a TSO concert. It should be fun! :D
Today’s gripes:
  1. I live in Florida. Born and raised. Used to it. Don’t know anything else. I’m not used to this 0% humidity. I need at least 50% or else my hair is like one big static electricity generator. And stick straight. Oh where, oh where has my humidity gone?
  2. Why so cold? My arm is like ice. I’m sorry for whining about it yesterday. I know it was getting old. But it’s still cold today. Cold outside. Cold in the apartment. Cold in the office. The only place it’s warm is the car and I had to get out of it to go to work. >:(
More cute pictures to make everyone feel happy:

Friday, November 14, 2008


Last night we went bowling with Paige. It was a lot of fun. I wish it didn’t hurt my finger so much though.

This morning was strange. There was like a yellow tint to everything. It wasn’t just around our house though, people at work saw it too. It was a little eerie.

I feel like laughing today. Here are some jokes:

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Top Chef

This is day 2 in a row that I spilled coffee all over myself. I think I’m addicted to the caffeine.

Last night was the start of Top Chef. Andrew picked his favorite and she was the first to go home lol. It should get better when there's less people.

I was going to give Andrew a raspberry on the tummy last night and he accidentally pushed me off the bed. By accident, I elbowed him in the ear. As I was falling, all I could think about was twisting enough to be able to avoid getting stabbed in the back with the corner of the bedside table. I managed to do that quite well actually, but I still landed hard on a pile of shoes and a belt and having the three hundred pound flashlight hit me in the back. My leg still hurts today. No visible bruise, but it sure feels that way. Andrew's ear is ok.

We might be going to Nguyen's housewarming party on Saturday. Fun! I like Andrew's co-workers.


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Frisbee Golf is fun

Frisbee Golf is fun. We went yesterday with Lauren, Hoyt and a guy named Brandon. We suck. We had a guy lap us twice. It was a blast.

Ryan came over later and Lauren stopped by with Tracy & Ian to watch a movie. Andrew liked it. Me, not so much.


Monday, November 10, 2008

Leon Sinks

We went to Peter & Laura’s on Saturday. It was fun. They bought a pretty brown couch. It’s really comfy. We had a crab boil for dinner. Ryan came over and ate some too. We went over to his house later (after we picked up some choice things at Target for next Halloween). Andrew helped him with chemistry and I fell asleep.

Sunday Andrew and I went on a short hike in Leon Sinks. Fun! We had a picnic on a bench by one of the sinks. Burt this time we made it all the way to Big Dismal Sink. That’s my favorite one. Hammock Sink is a close second. My camera’s battery died early on, so I didn’t get pictures of a lot. I only was able to snap about 10 before the camera would no longer turn on. There was one place that was like fall essence. It was so pretty. The sun was lighting up all the fall colors and we were surrounded. Stupid camera.

This is Hammock Sink. The water was absolutely georgeous!
You could see all the way to the bottom. When it rains, it turna a murkey tea color.
But not Sunday! It was a beautiful teal.

Here's Andrew looking out over the Hammock Sink.

This is Gopher Hole sink. It's an awesome cave like sink. This is the bottom.
There is a deep hole leading down to this opening on the top. I was only ever up there
once and I was scared I was going to fall in. The felled tree is a new addition.
Probably from Fay. The sink is full of water and it is so calm.
It's like looking at glass in the dark. I didn't get a good picture this time.

Evelyn in fall. I love fall.

This is Big Dismal Sink. It is awesome and the picture doesn't do it justice.
You have to see it in person to understand how huge this hole is.
I'd say hundreds of feet to the top of the water. And the water is so deep it's black.

Aren't we cute?

Friday, November 7, 2008


A sinkhole opened up on Capital Circle yesterday. I like sinkholes, just not when they open under something important. Like the road, or Ryan’s house. Leon Sinks in the Apalachicola Nat’l Forest is pretty cool. If you go on the 3 mile hike, halfway is a beautiful sinkhole lake. I mean really pretty. In the summer it should be covered in magnolia blooms. So pretty. One of the last times I was there, I was by myself taking some pictures for my photo class. I was trying to get the same feel as Ansel Adams. Anyways, I got all freaked out thinking there were snakes and stuff and all of a sudden my phone buzzed and I just about threw it and ran away. The Gopher sink is really cool too. I could spend all day looking at the sinks.

This is the Capital Circle sinkhole. You can see the layers. How cool is that?
Here is a video from the Ukraine. It was on TV last night on the Destroyed in Seconds show. I love that show. It’s real close in my rankings with Project Runway and The Smoking Gun Presents shows and the Tornado Chaser show and MythBusters.

Speaking of Smoking Gun Presents, last night was a good one. The best was the catfish catching. “Instead of using a pole, you use your arm. And instead of using bait, you use...your arm.” lol

Thursday, November 6, 2008


I’m not having a good day so far. Andrew was late for work, I’m tired, cold and I almost got in an accident. The lady just moved over even though I was right even next to her in traffic. I honked and got out of the way, but she kept coming. She must be related to that other idiot who did the same thing to me with Andrew in the car.

I hate jerks. And ignorant people.

I need some cute pictures and hug :(

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Don’t bring a spoon to a spork fight

What I learned from the Daily Show coverage
  • South Carolina was in fact not the bonus state that triples your score.
  • Connecticut is aptly named the nutmeg state because while it is nice to have, it is not essential.
  • Governor Palin killed Bambi’s mother while bow hunting from a hang glider.
  • China can now legally keep Americans as pets.
  • The next president is inheriting a problem sandwich, or a giant shit burger, or a crap taco, or a turd-pounder with cheese. No one has seen anything like this since Hoover left his hoagie on FDR’s doorstep.
  • Things are looking very good for 9 on the pick 4 lotto.
  • 2 people in the audience are Republicans.
  • 92% of the people who live in D.C. like Obama.
  • Obama tore it up in the Electoral College. Hooray for Obama winning!

Andrew took the car, so I took the bus home. It took forever! It left late. Really late. I got off at Shane’s to try and get free food, but was denied. It was only for the first 200 or so people and I definitely was not in that group. So I bought dinner instead. Some guy gave me an Obama sticker while I was waiting. Lauren came and picked me up because she’s awesome and I love her. She came over later and I helped her with her homework (a very tiny bit). We watched the election coverage a bit (nothing else was on. I promise. Really. A rerun South Park was on, but we don’t watch that with Lauren.).

Oh, and hooray for Akin Akinyemi! Boo for passing Amendment 2. Why is there so much hate around Amendment 2?


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Halloween & Voting

Halloween was a blast! We went to the FSU circus and it was fun. They did their normal stuff only in spooky costumes. It was great. After, we went to see what was going on on Woodward. Lauren joined us there. They had free corn dogs and caramel apples and bananas on sticks. Everything was good. Lauren and I played a “midway” game where we had to blow tiny boats with a straw. I won, but I think it was a tie. We colored a sidewalk tile with black light chalk. Pumpkins in Space. I think Lauren took a picture.

So today Andrew and I voted. The line was worse than I thought it was going to be. The plan was to get up early and go eat breakfast and then go vote. Wrong. When we got out to the street and saw the line that was already there (at 6:30am!), we postponed breakfast until after. We parked and Andrew couldn’t find his registration card, so we went back home to look where he found it in his pocket. The line was longer when we got back. It wasn’t that bad though. It probably only took an hour to do everything. Having a last name that starts with W was beneficial. We got to skip in line because of it.

Is it sad that I want to watch the Daily Show coverage of the election tonight instead of CNN or MSNBC?

Lots of links!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Tonight we are going to the circus and maybe a bit of Halloween fun afterwards on Woodward. I’m so excited!

Only Halloween links today!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Rodizios and last night's tv

Andrew and I went to Rodizios last night for dinner. It was really good. They had this one cut of meat that quite literally melted in your mouth. It was awesome. Andrew liked it a lot. He said he liked it better than the Melting Pot, but I disagree. I like other things than just meat. If we go back again, I think I will keep my “salad bar” plate throughout the meal.

Funny but sad story: when we got home I flipped on the TV and the Obammercial was on. Like the very last two minutes or so. He was wrapping it up and I was like, that looks like he is in the Bank Atlantic center! So I called Dad and he confirmed. It’s sad that I can recognize the Panther stadium in like 2 seconds.

I also watched the Daily Show interview with Obama. I thought it was good. He answered questions without just restating the question in the form of a sentence. You betcha. I also saw the Colbert Report, and it was the first time that The Word was a fail. It really wasn’t that funny. But on a not political note, congrats Phillies. It would have been nice for the Rays to win, but, eh, neither team is the Marlins so I really don’t care. Also, Eddie got sent home on Top Design. I was scared for Nathan. I really want him to win. I heart Nathan. I like Ondine too. Preston, not so much. Eddie was starting to get on my nerves, but the judges were right. Nathan’s house would totally be more interesting.
